Sitting in the Power - The Key to Mediumship Development

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Here is my latest video Sitting in the Power – The Key to Mediumship Development. In it, I explain what the sitting in the power meditation is and explain why it is the key to developing mediumship. I explain the sitting in the power meditation process and give guidance and tips how to practice sitting in the power and sitting for spirit.

This video is part of a series on the meditation practice of sitting in the power, also known as sitting for spirit. I hope it will be of benefit to those interested in mediumship development and how to sit in the power.

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Sitting in the Power Playlist:

Videos on Sitting in the Power:

My products relating to sitting in the power and sitting for spirit:

Sitting in the Power Meditation (available as mp3 and CD)

Teaching Video – Mediumship Class 2: Building Power and Sitting for Spirit

Meditation and Sitting for Spirit Course – 4 Classes and 4 meditations including 2 versions of Sitting in the Power meditation

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This video is an extract from a longer interview I did with Colleen Byrum for her Evidential Mediumship Facebook group:

View the full Interview on Mediumship Development and Sitting in the Power:

About Me:

I am Mediumship Teacher based in the UK. I did much of my own training at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in the UK and I am an Approved Arthur Findlay College Tutor (AFC Tutor). My aim is to share high quality teachings on mediumship development and mediumship training on this channel. I also offer a series of products, courses and a comprehensive home study programme to aid students in their mediumship development. All products are available from my website and store (links below). For more about me and my products:

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For those who ask if there's anything better than sitting in the power, when you're truly connected to spirit there is absolutely no feeling like it! When you build your own power, you have more energy to spend more time connected with spirit. You have to put the work in but it's totally worth it!
Martin, I love how you describe it, you are truly gifted not only in mediumship but also in teaching! I am SO grateful to have found your videos. You have a beautiful, pure energy, thank you for sharing that with us.
Don't rush this people, there isn't a lift to the top, you've got to take the stairs, but just wait until you see the view when you get there! 💝


Can I point out that it's also important to learn how to open up and close down properly.
When closing down it's simply not paying attention. You can let the feeling drop because that's what it's supposed to do. Some people don't allow themselves to drop/close down because they want to know if they can receive something when they're not trying, and the mistake in that is that it's not working mediumistically, it's working psychically. The danger to it as well is that anything can let itself in because the boundaries aren't there - I think this is really important for practicing mediums to know and realise for their own development. Don't fall into your own ego.

If you continue to work psychically then you can naturally default into that. But the more you open up to spirit, the more you open up to love, and that's what working with spirit is about. It's about vulnerability and being open to the feelings that come from spirit.
The spirit world knows us and is intelligent enough to know how to work with us. If that makes you uncomfortable then maybe there's something about yourself that you need to change.

If you don't work through love it's not mediumship. If there's something we learn about being mediums, it's that everything is manifested and felt within our own bodies. We allow ourselves to feel it because we're open and vulnerable to it, but we can stay protected. We can also ask spirit to take a step back when we're working with them so we can get the message across.

The important thing to remember as well is that we must ask our spirit guides to support and guide us through and through because that's what they're here for and they know us better than anyone.
Don't forget to communicate with your spirit guides and ask them for guidance when working on behalf of the spirit world, and don't forget that your boundaries must be set in place.

Stay safe and most importantly guys enjoy it. It's a journey of self-discovery.

Love and light ❤


I always know when I actually did this correctly because the synchronicities are mind blasting that day


I practiced sitting in the power every day for about 3 months with small but steady gains, then wasn't able for about a month but when I started practicing again my experience was powerful and I felt I was enemating and surrounded with love! Thank you for your videos!


I love to sit in the power. Every day. And more and more I'm aware of the difference.


I love how simple and powerful your teachings are!
Thank you


Martin that was a fantastic breakdown. Thank you for sharing.


Glad I found you! Spirit brought me to you today. Even though I've been meditating for many years, I just recently heard of sitting in the Power. I was already doing it in a way, lightheartedly calling it "Chillin with my Homies". It feels much more natural and effective than my previous meditation practice. At 65 I still have much to learn! Thank you!


Hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and do leave me a comment. Subscribe and hit the notification bell to be notified of new videos. Check out my other videos on mediumship development, mediumship training and sitting in the power.

👉Sitting in the Power Playlist:

My products relating to sitting in the power and sitting for spirit:

▶ Meditation and Sitting for Spirit Course – 4 Classes and 4 meditations including 2 versions of Sitting in the Power:

Videos on Sitting in the Power:

This video is an extract from a longer interview I did with Colleen Byrum for her Evidential Mediumship Facebook group:

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I get a lovely feeling of lifting, then tingles around me. Sometimes I feel a psychic breeze or I’ll sense something much bigger. Thank you for sharing Martin 🙏❤️


Thank you for being a fantastic mentor, and for offering these very useful videos, Martin.


Very helpful. I’m new to sitting in the power and integrating with the spirit. Thank you for sharing your gift. 🙏


Listening to your video reminds me to Sit in the Power more often AND to extend my love to the Spirit World! I appreciate your words and I know putting more effort into Sitting in the Power will help me to expand my mediumship even more! I'm a student and love it! Thank you, Martin!


Thank you so much for such an informative and succinct explanation without the fluff. My sitting in the power will be more focused now. Thank you!


thank you Martin for releasing this video and the sitting in the power meditation. I really enjoyed your guidance. I love how i’m the first half it’s just me focused on my own soul and in the 2nd half my body felt the tingles I associate with my guides presence and full of love and peace


Thanks for the tips, Martin. More discipline, more going back to it when I slip out. Keep practising sitting in the power.


I love the opportunity to sit in the power through your guidance. I'm getting better and better at it because I keep replaying this and your other tutorials throughout the week. You're a natural teacher and I'm so glad I found you some months ago. 💙


New subscriber after watching you explain that. Just beginning my mediumship journey, so much gratitude for this 🙏❤️


Fantastic explanation of sitting in the power. My teacher taught your version almost word for word, but it was never explained in such detail as you have done. I now know exactly what I need to do, thank you.🙏🏻


Fantastic, Martin, I'm going to be buying some Euro stuff very soon. I just can't wait to get some brilliant
