Diagrams of Desire: Psychoanalysis in Architecture
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Jacques Lacan, psychoanalysis, the unconscious, jouissance, drive, mirror stage, objet a, fantasy, the Other, aphanisis, pulsation, elision, Imaginary, symbolic, the Gaze, Tastraum,
Vorstellungsreprasentanzen, psychophysiological space, Erwin Panofsky, Roger Caillois, psychasthenia, Georges Bataille, parametrics, Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction
Diagrams of Desire: Psychoanalysis in Architecture
Lacan's Graphs of Desire: Part I
Objet Petit a: The Object-cause of Desire (Lacan and Zizek)
Schema L : Desire, the Big Other, & the Wall of Language | Psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan
Lacan's Graphs of Desire: Part II
Obsessional Neurosis & the Graph of Desire | Seminar V | Jacques Lacan
Freud’s Unconscious - The Psychoanalysis of a Dream, and its Dreamer
Jacques Lacan | Imaginary or Mirror Stage | Symbolic Stage | Real Stage | IRENE FRANCIS
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: An Introduction (1/2)
Lacan's Egos | Psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan
Structures of Perversion | Seminar IV | Jacques Lacan
Debrief and Discussion on The Desire of Psychoanalysis
Freud and Lacan: Imaginary and Symbolic in Architecture
Sigmund Freud: Id, Ego & Superego (Examples)
Concepts and Problems in the Visual Arts, Lecture C18: Lacan and psychoanalysis
Anti-Oedipus - Part 3 | Schizophrenia & Schizoanalysis
REALISM IN PSYCHOANALYSIS. Alenka Zupančič's What Is Sex?: Object-Disoriented Ontology Pt. 1
How Your Deep Unconscious Mind Affect You (Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories Explained)
Duane Rousselle: Lecture on Psychoanalysis: The Dream, Freud
The Oedipus Complex for Lacan (2 of 5) : The 'dad exaggeration effect'
The Depersonalized 'You' | Seminar III | Jacques Lacan
Carl Jung - How to Find Your Soul (written by Eternalised)
Psychoanalytic Criticism (Part I)
The Drive -- Lecture 1