The BEST Way to Store Flour: Tips from a Pro!

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How to store wheat flour in your food storage stockpile? Here are some easy solutions to keep weevils and other bugs out of your wheat flour.

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I was told by the bug spray man to always freeze your flour for 5 days right when you buy it. He told me that flour and those types of products have microscopic eggs in them that can hatch. At first I never wanted to eat flour or corn meal again. However I do freeze everything like that for five days now. I actually clean out my big jugs of water that have screw on lids and put my large bags of flour in them and my sugar. I am going to make myself a corn meal one, an oatmeal one, and a couple of rice ones. I leave those things in the freezer all the time except my sugar never goes in the freezer, and I only put my oatmeal in the freezer for 5 days.
I am glad you are telling people this because you can't believe how many people don't even know this.


When we lived in humid tropics (Guam), Tupperware with bay leaves was so successful!


I keep my flour in freeze at times. No problem with it all.


I freeze it 1st.. for 72 hrs.. then I sit it out let it come to room temperature..vacuum seal it and keep it a food grade bucket/ barrel..


My big freezer died a while back.☹ What I have been doing with the cold weather we have been having. I leave my flour out in the car for a few days.


I live in a tropical climate and have to take special steps for some things. Along with my flour I also freeze my rice for a week before putting it storage. And I won't buy a bag of rice that doesn't have a clear window so I can see the rice inside the bag. I've been burned more than once buying one of those huge bags and once I got it home and opened it, it already had bugs. Of course, I just returned it but what a pain to have to take the time to do that.


How do you rotate it though in order to keep using the most fresh abs not leaving any at bottom?


We dry can flour, sugar. Very easy. Dry canning also kills the bugs. 😉


I keep mine in the refrigerator... I live in the South.


Would vacuumed sealing it not kill the bugs also


I keep mine in sealable plastic bags in the fridge.


Diatomaceous earth added to flour keeps the bugs out.
