4 Questions That Challenge A Narcissist's Smugness

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Sometimes narcissists can send out a vibe of pure smugness...expressing self-impressed satisfaction accompanied by condescension. Though they are not likely to respond to pensive questions, Dr. Les Carter has four penetrating questions he'd like to ask them, exposing how shallow their smugness is.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. For 40+ years he maintained a counseling practice in Dallas, conducting more than 65,000 therapy sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder. Since creating his YouTube channel, his videos have received more than 120 million views.

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They arent interested in a reciprocal relationship. To them we are simply a means to their end. And you know what? We dont have to stick around to watch the walls come a crumblin' down! Our only value to them is our sweet sweet supply so they can continue their lives of tyranny. Dont give 'em any! Stay Healthy!!


Narcissists view being posed questions as an opportunity to prevaricate more in order to sow confusion and chaos thereby creating opportunity to undermine and placing themselves in a dominant position.


I'd ask why the narcissist pushes an individual away, but then gets mad when that person has had enough and can no longer stand being in the same room with them?


“What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?” That is a question that can leave one scrambling because they cannot comprehend anything that does not reinforce just how right they must be. Here’s the funniest part - I may be wrong. I want to learn what these things are. I’ll do everything I can to watch this premiere when it is released.


I used to endure the smug, nasally, insipid comments - just comments at my expense so one day, I turned it around and asked, "Is there a question in there somewhere because I don't know where you're going with this" - no answer! I remember thinking (but didn't verbalize) that this one person didn't even know why they were doing what they were doing - it was so baked into them.


Than you so much for this one. Someone I have been unable to avoid recently had their car break down and told me they were getting a "new car" for free. The day they went to pick up this "new" car I had a biopsy for cancer and they told me "I will be thinking about you although I'm literally so excited for this new car it's hard to think of anything else.".

The new car is a 2010. They brought it right over and showed me. Kept calling it "my new car" and when I got fed up with it all I asked the mileage. He said it has 185, 000 miles but that's ok because he knows it will last 100, 000 more.

Also admitted that he did not have to pay anything for it because his mom paid for it.

He kept bragging about this. I felt awful for his mother who is elderly and it made me sick. Still does.

They don't mind using people and have zero remorse. They're also delusional.


Jealousy gas a core concept of competition


Thanks Dr. Carter. These videos are helping me work on my own toxicity. I almost spit banana through my nose when you made that comment about slapping someone. I won't be watching your videos during breakfast anymore.


Thank you for the great videos! I wanted to add narcissists play the numbers game. So if you say something like I'll be back at 3 pm and you come back at 3:10, they'll say you lied. Or if you tell them some item cost about $10 dollars and the actual cost was $9.99, they'll say you lied. It can cause arguments until you realize the game they are playing to try to make you feel bad about yourself or to make you look bad to others.


*Shallow relationship, said right 👍 .... always appreciative on introspection, Dr. C. Peace 🙏🙌


They take no responsibility for what they did. Instead, they blame and gaslight you. 😮


4 questions that challenge a narcissist's smugness

1. how long will you remain simple-minded?
2. how long will you prioritize agitation?
3. how long will you refuse guidance?
4. how long will you pretend to be someone you're not?

cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁


Self impressed people are not impressing.


The weirdest thing was years ago they tried to meld into me. Hard to describe but they started using my speech mannerisms, hobbies and interests and I felt they were stripping me of me bit by bit. That’s when I really restricted internet presence and have been very careful irl but it was very surreal


It feels so good and liberating to be human - one of a couple of billions! To feel grateful for everyone that you encounter in that journey called life 😊 I feel so blessed to have been given the chance to meet you dr Carter ❤ thank you from the bottom of my heart.


My sister epitomizes smugness. Swanning around in her big immaculate McMansion that she thought I was jealous of. Showing off every room without even offering me a cup of tea, or even a glass of water.


I've only just been able to watch today's video. I also looked in on the chat replay, and it was heartwarming to see my team healthy family sending me such lovely positive thoughts and wishes. See you soon 🥰


If you have it all figured out why aren't you happy?
If life is your bowl of cherries, why are their pits? (Twist on Erma Bomback)
Why do you care one way or the other about my freedom? (specific to my in-laws or out laws)
Can others be right if they come to a different conclusion or result than you?


I have known 2 people that admitted to me they where diagnosed narcissist. They both had large portraits of themselves in the lounge room. They transformed into strange dark quiet strangers when they started loosing when I was playing scrabble with them. Is there a You tube about this. I can't find anything. Hope you can shed some light on it one day. Luv your peaceful videos. Its all about the "vibe" . .


Yes. Shallow conversation is the only way I can get along with my older sister. The weather is only so fascinating 🤨.
