Star Trek -- Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

The Klingon moon Praxis has recently exploded and as a result irreparably damaged the atmosphere of planet Qo'noS, the Klingon homeworld; a disaster extreme enough to require nothing less than a planetwide evacuation of the entire population. Several influential voices in the Federation, Mister Spock included have announced this catastrophe as an opportunity to offer the Klingons Federation aid and lay the groundwork for a lasting peace with the Klingon Empire; others however are vehemently opposed and see this incident as an opportunity to act somewhat less compassionately.

With the Enterprise warping to the peace conference at camp Khitomer, hopefully to prevent a second high profile assassination, Captain Kirk and Spock take a moment to reflect on the collapse of their peace mission and what it has cost. Both Kirk and Spock offer that they have both been single-minded with respect to their opinions on this mission; Spock wonders if it's down to their age.
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“You’re a great one for logic; I’m a great one for rushing in where angels fear to tread.” 😇


This was such a marvelous scene, especially when you learn the gravity that Leonard Nimoy felt filming this scene, that the lines were close to his heart in that moment.


Spock: I find that remark...Insulting!
Spock at the end of the film - "IF I were human, I believe my response would be...Go to hell...If I were human!"


Some are afraid of the undiscovered country, the future and of change. Outstanding film.


I've grown up on TNG and TOS. The old, wise, humanistic Trek still helps me to navigate throughout this chaotic, kitsch world of nowadays.


I love scenes just like this where two old old friends talk to each other in ways that only they can understand, knowing who the other person is. Don't know why, I just do. Maybe it's because I'm approaching the ages that these men were when they acted this part.


Spock embodies the best of Vulcan and yet retains the best of humanity.


This may seem totally off the wall, but the tone of this scene reminds me of a scene in The Hunt for Red October. Capt Ramius is in his room and XO Boridin comes in to give him an update. In then changes into two old friends just talking about what will happen soon. It is that moment of camaraderie that senior officers who have known each other for most of their careers can appreciate. They are not officers at that moment. They are brothers.


The only flaw in this movie is the audio of the dialogue at times. Unfortunately, this is most evident in this scene.


interesting visual note.... why is Spocks cabin.. much bigger than Kirks? seriously rewatch star trek 6 and try not to say you dont notice that.


Captain "This is my autistic friend Spock and he's weird" Kirk.


Seems like star trek 5 with all the religious talk, should have been the finale, this number 5.
