The Problem of Bigoted Christian 'PhDs'

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Christian apologetics is full of people posing as authoritative academics. These men are not actually educated, but they give an illusion of credibility to Christian groups who hate non-believers.

#apologetics #atheist
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Are you casting doubt on the very experts you’ve chosen interviewed and cited?!


As my Christian friend would say, "A PHD in religion only has worth to their peers."


Most scientists are required to tell about potential conflicts of interest when they publish an article.
Scientists call this disclosure. Apologists call this credentials. 😮


“They (Christian apologists) enter with a conclusion in mind and are meant to reinforce that conclusion.”
This completely contradicts the purpose of an education 🤦‍♂️


Having required statements of faith at an educational institution that teaches philosophy has never made much sense to me.

As a first year you’re lucky if you don’t mix up modus ponens with modus tollens - and you’re expected to have solidified your stance on something as complicated as “does God exist?” before you’ve even taken a single class?


Youtube actually suggested a political or ideological short that isn't targeting a minority and/or spreading disinformation? It's like a breath of fresh air!


"I’m so honored to meet you, Doctor Hanson! What’s your Ph.D in, anyway?”


“Well, like I said, nice meeting you, Mister Hanson.”


I’m a Christian, but I totally agree with you. If some people want to incorporate religion into their personal lives, I think that’s perfectly fine. But using religion as a way to justify bigotry is disgusting. And now religious PhDs try to give academic legitimacy to that bigotry.


As an Atheist in Utah, going into the worst weekend, LDS general conference, thank you. I’m so over these religious leaders out there preaching to their flock how we’re out to corrupt them and their children, and are trying to take away their religious freedoms. Just because I don’t need religious teachings to be a good person, doesn’t mean I’m out to corrupt your children


Remember that "Dr." Kent Hovind submitted a presentation as his doctoral thesis.


In my first glance at the title, I read "bigoted" as "bigfoot". Imagine my disappointment.


The "atheist" characters in movies like god's not dead are an excellent example of how bad their understanding or atheism is


I as a Christian want to comment on this. I completely agree with you. Some Christian’s feel so cocky because they believe that they are special and that the atheist perspective is stupid, and they show little respect to atheists. I believe that we are all equal because we are all made in the image of God, so we are all equal, and I do respect atheism. While I don’t believe atheism, there are definitely atheists I could beat in an argument on this topic, and there are atheists I would loose to in a debate on this topic. Everybody has reasons to believe what they believe, and to assume that atheists don’t have reason to believe that way is stupid. Have a blessed day everyone ❤


I love the argument of being morally bankrupt because morality famously didn’t exist before the bible was written.


Sad how there in 2023 still are places where this garbage is actually “taught”, as if it makes some sort of sense.


While I will not speak for every Christian institution, I would not cite the “punishment of the lost” as teaching that non-Christian’s are morally bankrupt. The teaching there is that all humans are morally bankrupt, but all humans have the capacity to do some good. Christians and atheists are equals in that respect.


The only thing atheists definitely have in common is their lack of belief in a god. To assume anything else is just an assumption because we didn't all start out with the same belief systems to begin with and our conclusions about a lack of god come from different places. I was never a believer, so the thought of a god has always seemed strange to me. When an apologist says something like "all atheists hate god" that doesn't make sense to me because how can I hate something I've never believed in? That's like saying we all hate Leprechauns, they don't actually exist so there is nothing to hate.


Loki and Derek Jacobi's Master in the same room is something I need to see now


It's a little disheartening to read these opinions and realize that theists who come here are seeing this as a criticism rather than a critique. Look, believe as you wish, but Drew is correct that people he shows in the clip love to explain what atheists think and how to speak to them convincingly, but here is an actual atheist saying "that doesn't work like that, " and people saying he's wrong. Here's a loose analogy: If I go into a gym all out of shape and run around trying to use the machines and weights, but I am doing it wrong(maybe I watched a video or read a book by someone who watches people excercise but doesn't work out themselves), at best I won't accomplish my goals, and at worst, I can hurt myself or someone else. Then a bodybuilder walks up and trys to explain how I am making mistakes... I can complain he doesn't know what he is saying, or I can stop and listen. I may not want to be a body builder, but I can at least figure out where they are coming from and know the advice is going to be more accurate than the stuff from people who don't actually work out.


Not all Christian phds do this though. And not all atheist do research on topics...
