Why I'm Not Doing the Slaught-o-Matic Run. | CYBERPUNK 2077

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Honestly was really looking forward to this run but there's just too many issues with these guns for me to want to even attempt it.

Check out my challenge runs!
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Id love to see this replaced with a Dex pistol run, Just throwing money right out the window and straight at someone else


Someone at CDPR scripted the gun's mechanic in such a way it automatically drops guns with that item ID and thought "That'll do the job!" ...


Hopefully this all gets fixed with Phantom Liberty, it was a pretty cool concept for a run.


Idea: Throwing-knives-only run.
Can take whatever perks, use whatever healing, get whatever cyberware, craft whatever knives and armor you want -- but for dealing damage, you can only do it with throwing knives. And you have to throw the knives -- can't just slash with them in your hand.


If the soda machine gun could ricochet, we would be having a very different conversation right now.


The commitment that goes into your challenge videos are beyond me anyway. Don't stress about this run. On a side note - healing only with consumables is one I'll be looking forward to in the future hopefully!


Hey man I asked for it, and you actually considered it. So thanks for that. If it was going to piss you off I'm glad you didn't do it then. Your videos or just awsome man, thanks!


Maybe as a replacement you could try a one clip only run? So you use all the ammo in a magazine of a weapon the instead of reloading drop the gun and switch to a new one? Maybe that would be too tedious though genially going through and switching weapons, but it’d be interesting going through and saving the best weapons for bosses and using worse ones for levelling up. (Obviously that would mean no melee allowed)


Preface: I've done some game programming during my thus far 20 year long career.

So... what I think is happening, is that magazine state isn't being serialized in the save file, which means that when the saved game is loaded, all guns have max ammo added to them from player's inventory as some form of default logic.
I just tested this with the Problem Solver - 85 round mag when full, dumped ammo until it read 32, walked out of 'combat state', quicksaved and quickloaded. Magazine read 85 again, and ammo had been filled from the rifle ammo pool in inventory.*

What this means in practice is that those throwaway guns are special - when they're spawned, they've got 31 rounds in the 'magazine' field and their ammo pool points to a counter that always reads 0. Then there's a script trigger saying something to the effect of "if gun cannot be reloaded, place it into inventory and then discard it from inventory, then swap to next gun".
Since saving doesn't write the magazine state of *any* gun into the save file and the ammo pool is always 0, you'll run into a situation where all your slaught-o-matics instantly become useless and get insta-yeeted when equipped.

Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from several inventory handling issues that look a lot like race conditions or even memory leaks, where for example crafting an improved version of a gun is supposed to dispose of the original and then add a new, improved variant into the inventory, but you might end up with a 'ghost' entry there instead, showing two guns. It can also happen for any other gun (and possibly any other item), which makes me suspect there's a list management error somewhere - possibly the inventory item is just free()d but never removed from the list, or the data is never properly invalidated in memory for some reason.
I suspect that same list handling bug is at least related to your weapon tossing problem.

It's thus far been an annoying issue (not a game breaking one), and those slaught-o-matics have been more like in-universe jokes than anything else, but this video shows well how broken (in a bad way) this can make the game. Maybe signal boosting this video a bit so that someone at CDPR sees it might get this bug addressed.

*) I suspect that the game isn't actually simulating magazines with internal logic properly, i.e. reserving a certain amount of ammo from the ammo pool into each weapon's magazine and then returning that ammo to the pool when placed into inventory, but instead each weapon has a counter saying how many rounds it can fire before the 'swap magazine' animation/logic needs to run. This does make a consistent maximum ammo pool size easier to enforce, but in a game like this it would make a lot more sense to have magazines be a persistent (and serialized) property of each weapon instance and distinct from the player ammo pool, i.e. once a magazine has been 'loaded' the bullets are just plain gone from the ammo pool and the pool can be filled back up to max. It would be a much simpler and IMHO better solution than whatever jank they cooked up here.


Also getting in a car makes the guns disappear as well. At least when I was playing around with the idea of using these in a playthrough.


I got a daring one for you, it's not really involving combat, but the story itself. Using number dice, use that to determine every single response in a speech prompt. Would be a great homage to the tabletop source material


Thank you for the update, I hope you've been having an awesome sauce holiday


sounds like a querry for the modding community.


There are impossible challenges, and there are quite literally impossible challenges.
No stress, choom.


If it can't be done, it can't be done! I always look forward to your CP videos, even if its just an explanation why something is glitched. I am sure there are many more cool ideas how to make more challenges in this game.


Oh god, no problems. Looking forward to the next one


I am gonna go on a limb and say this is an unfortunate myriad of glitches that prevent this one more than anything.


Could see about talking with some modders about getting a fix for this or something. Would be a really cool run


Sucks you can't do it. Would've been fun to watch. Have you thought about doing a run where you only use the mini chain saw melee weapon?


Amazing concept. Sad the devs just assumed you’d only ever buy one and never make it a point to spend more money or time at the vending machines. Another thing about the in-game vending machines I found annoying was when you hack them you can’t even loot all the food it spits out before you.
