China refutes contents of database on alleged Xinjiang victims

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China has strongly refuted the contents of a database that contains information about alleged victims in Xinjiang. The Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region has described it as fabricated and political maneuvers. Chinese officials said the group that compiled the data, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), is an anti-China organisation and a tool of the US government. It added that the group is not an academic research institute. The database contains testimony from Xinjiang residents who allegedly suffered human rights abuses.

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I have a friend a Uyghur Muslim, a mom of 3 kids from Xinjiang, China and got married to her Uyghur Muslim husband in Xinjiang. Both of them and their respective families could speak Uyghur fluently when I visited them in 2013, 2017, and 2018, we have regular video calls and they all are can't stopping laughing when I shared collective Western reports about them. If genocide, how could my friend and her friends could have 3 kids? If cultural cleasing why do I still see Uyghur signs everywhere and heard they speak Uyghur fluently? Western media and some other pro-West non-western media are collectively circulating this fake narratives for years at the same time, why didn't they collectively circulating narratives of genocide, cultural cleasing of Indigenious Americans, Australians, Canadians? And what the West did to Iraqis Muslims, Syrian Muslims, Yemeni Muslims, Afghanistani Muslims?


I think the word you were you looking for was "rebut", not "refute".


A point to consider. It is often said attacking CCP or the PRC is not attacking the Chinese people, that may be logical but debatable. But racism and prejudice have not logic. I don't think there is much debate that saying thing like "wuhan" virus, "bat eaters" leads to Asian Heat Crimes in America, Europe and Australia, and Asians abroad have very little to do with CCP or PRC. If you say derogatory things about the CCP or the PRC ("they rape our country, " Trump, 'wuhan virus is created in a lab", 'It is Genocide in Xinjing' ) would lead to prejudice and heat crimes against Asians abroad and it does not help the 1.4 billion Chinese in China.


Well nothing happened on June 4 1989 either so not surprised to be fair


More propagandas from the red country, I'm tired...


Welcome to China and look around .Do not follow others.


Remind you, PAP will sue until you bankrupt if you dare to challenge the government. Remind, Anglophiles said Singapore's history is 200 years, starting in 1819 with the arrival (but not invasion) of colonial British.


You know you did or say the right thing when the CCP comes after you! It's an honor and we in the West wear it with pride!


Cover image: Some female workers at work.


CNA, some facts for you:

- One of China's most popular actresses, Dilraba Dilmurat is an Uighur from Xinjiang. She came out in support of boycotts against western companies spreading unsubstantiated allegations about Xinjiang.

- You can find Uighur script on Chinese yuan notes. The Chinese make an effort to recognize the cultures of their minorities. Your beloved western countries don't.

I'm sure Min min thinks the above facts are "propaganda" despite them being irrefutable, easily verifiable truths.
From her verbiage it's clear she thinks anything that contradicts western agendas is propaganda - "BbC Say cHIna dO GEnOciDe, tHeReFore aNYThiNg ContRADicTory iS pRoPagNDa - Min Min's cavernous noggin".

Here's the big picture: We're in the middle of a great power rivalry. The West is battling it out with China. We've all seen how they operate when they want to destabilize a country: they spew allegations (often involving human rights) until something sticks. Then they use the allegation to justify economic and military action.
What's that? You're aware of this context? Then why are your views so coloured? Why take western allegations at face value? Why cast aspersions on everything China says? Why not independently verify the veracity of each sides claims when they BOTH clearly have agendas?

I hope you lot realize you're actively compromising Singapore's interests.

We've remained unaligned so we can extract concessions from both sides - each trying to keep us enticed. If we lean too hard to one side, we risk ending up like Australia or more recently, the EU: little leverage against either power - bashed by China and taken for granted by the US (think nordstream, taking over exports to China).

Moreover if we take a side we risk getting drawn into proxy wars. If there is a hot war between the two, you realize it will likely occur in our region right? Have you idiots considered what a proxy war in SEA will cost Singapore?

PM Lee has emphasized our desire to remain unaligned multiple times, as have Chan Heng Chee, Vivian Balakrishnan, Teo Chee Hean, Heng Swee Keat, George Yeo, Kishore Mahbuhani, Tommy Koh and more - wisely so.
There is just no sane, principled reason to fuel a populist, stupid/irrational, anti-China movement here. Min min belongs in the trash bin, along with her anti-Singapore agenda. Are you CNA idiots bought or just plain stupid?


Uyghur ladies in Xinjiang don't have to wear tudung. They have their own culture and heritage which span a few millenniums. They don't have to go through culture genocide and become Arab-Uyghurs.


Singapore is always standing on our Chinese side. They are pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically of Chinese culture.


China belongs to real Chinese
Its our territory, we have right to protect
If necessary we have carry out pest control. We are sovereign nation
People who are the not stupid know that China always the best country, Rising above own score. No other nation can be matched. You must respect and obey the most glorious nation China or else there will be consequences. I am so proud to be a Chinese. We Chinese are the smartest, strongest and greatest race.
