10 Magnificent Gregorian Chants by Benedictine Monks

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Experience the ethereal beauty of 10 Magnificent Gregorian Chants skillfully performed by the soulful voices of Benedictine Monks.

🎶 The Ancient Gregorian Chants

➤ Music by:
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Director: Giovanni Vianini
From the album "Messe in canto gregoriano"

℗ 1993 La Gloria / Rusty Records

00:00 Missa cum jubilo - Kyrie
02:17 Missa cum jubilo - Gloria
05:46 Missa cum jubilo - Sanctus
07:34 Missa cum jubilo - Agnus Dei
09:06 Missa orbis factor - Kyrie
10:46 Missa orbis factor - Gloria
14:15 Missa orbis factor - Credo
18:56 Missa orbis factor - Sanctus
20:44 Missa orbis factor - Agnus Dei
22:05 Missa de angelis - Kyrie

➤ Whether you are a longtime fan of Gregorian chants or simply looking for a new form of relaxation, this collection of beautiful and haunting melodies is sure to leave a lasting impression on your mind and soul. Tune in and let the timeless beauty of these sacred chants guide you on your spiritual journey.

All images are free copyright and all music is legally licensed.

#gregorianchants #benedictinemonks #christianmusic
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I pray for all those who continue to be affected and suffer from a world that has lost its way....


I'm not catholic. Im just a God fearing, Jesus believing, Holy Spirit loving Christian. I like these chants because they're sung prayers. And i can use as many as i can get. Thank you Jesus Christ fir saving me.


عندما اسمع هذه الاناشيد اشعر اني لمست القمر و النجوم بيدي و انسى كل الهموم انها الراحة النفسية والجسدية


Gregorian chants are often just the singing of the prayers of the Catholic Mass in Latin and Greek and when sung in the voluminous spaces of a stone church have the echoing effect we hear. The Gregorian chants have a very calming effect and should be considered as long-term therapy for those suffering from "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD) or other psychological disorders. The Greek element occurs when we hear the words: "Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison", which is: "Lord have Mercy, Christ have Mercy, Lord have Mercy". The rest is in Latin. We also hear: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi, miserere nobis", which is: "Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us". These are GOLDEN WORDS for our times.


So hauntingly beautiful. I spent many, many years studying with the Dominican Sister's from the Monastery of St Catherine of Siena, Drogheda, Ireland, and here I am sitting under the starless winter night, still listening, still feeling The Holy Spirit as I close my eyes, I'm so near, yet I feel so far from you Father, and yet I know I'm Worthy (as tough as it is to say) for if I am to say, Lord I am Not Worthy to receive You, I would deny and reject The Cross, for You, I speak loudly to my own heart and yours, We Are Worthy because of His Cross, His Wounds and His Resurrection 🙏 Thank You Jesus for everything You've done in my life, Thank You for everything You're doing in my life, above all, Thank You for everything You're going to do in my life🙏 In Jesus's Name, Amen 🙏❤🙏


Blessings to all who are listening 🎧, no matter what your religion...


I'm not particularly religious, however these chants bring the prayers to a real life. Very calming for the soul.


I am a victim of mass shooting, 16 years of being terrorized, bullied, stalked, murder attempts on my life, 150+ people murdered, broke and homeless. Found these Gregorian chants a few months ago and found this channel today. It helps with the isolation and anger.


Sang Gregorian Chant in the choir at school. Still remember them, and love them to this day.


Grazie bellissimo e stimolante per la pace profonda che stabilisce la prima regola la preghiera ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Thankyou dear lord for this beautiful chants Amen


By the grace of God I get to sing these every Sunday with my family at Holy Mass.


Il Signore Dio Onnipotente ed Eterno, per intercessione della S.Vergine Maria, S. Benedetto e di tutti i Santi Monaci, benedica, protegga tutti coloro che ascoltano questi canti e benedica tutti gli ordini monastici, Amen


As a Catholic, it's so soothing to sit in church and hear this melodic music echo through it and you can decide to pray in your head or stay silent. Either way you feel so connected to God unlike any other way in your life...I remember visiting Italy and hearing these kind of chants echo through St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. I didn't want to leave...


Deeply soothing gentle serenity... peace. Speaking to God.


Esta bella música te trasporta al cielo, gracias Dios, saludos desde


I'm Catholic Scottish live in France in Brittany who over several generations have been converted to Catholicism. The past wars of religion with England and the perceptive Freemasonry brought us to France to continue to be Catholic. I pray in Scottish and French Catholic churches. Gregorian chant, as well as prayer, has helped me and my ancestors to soothe our souls after life's hard trials. Gregorian chant also allows us to get closer to our guardian angels, angels and archangels, the celestial choirs, to be enflamed by the Holy Spirit, to be protected by our mother Mary, the Immaculate Virgin, by her son Jesus and his Father who is the Father of us all. Satan does not like the Gregorian songs that cleanse your soul of all sin by showing you the path of truth and discernment. Today, Satan has never been so far away at the height of his evil power, and only for a very short time. So listen to as many Gregorian songs as you can and pray the rosary to destroy him and the apostles of evil who govern you.

Thank you very much to the monks for calming our souls.

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis
Laudamus Te
Benedicimus Te
Adoramus Te
Gorificamus Te
Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam
Domine Deus Rex caelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens
Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe
Domine Deus Agnus Dei Filius Patris
Qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis
Qui tollis peccata mundi suscipe deprecationem nostram
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris miserere nobis
Quoniam Tu solus Sanctus
Tu solus Dominus
Tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris


May God bless you all, whether you are Catholic or not, as long as your soul is cleansed of all sin through repentance.


Écouter c'est chant sa vous fait oublier tout cette misère en se moment
20 octobre 2023🙏


estas voces emiten una resonancia magica que genera paz y tranquilidad ademas de armonizar los ambientes. agradecida con los monjes Benedictinos por tan hermosa labor un abrazo desde Venezuela


These beautiful Chants have saved ms since I was a baby in diapers my great grandma use to put the catholic channel on place me in front of the television God bless my nana and my aunt Milly rest in peace always these healing chants are miracles
