How did the universe begin?

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In this video I go through the different theories which physicists have for how the universe began.
To learn more about inflation and the inflaton field, this is an excellent starting point:
Here is more about the Ekpyrotic Universe:
I wrote about Penrose's Cyclic Cosmology here:
You find more about the idea that universes are born inside black holes in Zeeya Merali's book:
The idea that the universe started from a 4+1 dimensional black hole is explained here:
I have explained the idea of "Asymptotic Silence" here
Finally, the theory of String Gas Cosmology is from Robert Brandenberger:
To learn more about inflation and the inflaton field, this is an excellent starting point:
Here is more about the Ekpyrotic Universe:
I wrote about Penrose's Cyclic Cosmology here:
You find more about the idea that universes are born inside black holes in Zeeya Merali's book:
The idea that the universe started from a 4+1 dimensional black hole is explained here:
I have explained the idea of "Asymptotic Silence" here
Finally, the theory of String Gas Cosmology is from Robert Brandenberger:
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