3 Reasons Why Being Bald Is Attractive | Courtney Ryan

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In this video, I go over 3 reasons why being bald is attractive. Going bald or losing your hair in general can be an emotional experience but I hope this video helped show that regardless of how much hair you have, confidence is what matters the most. Thank you all for watching and let me know what you think in the comments below!

6 Physical Traits That Women Find Irresistible:

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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Once a guy goes bald and is comfortable with it, and confident. There is nothing you can do that will make him feel low about himself. Hats of to confident bald men that carry themselves with respect and confidence.


For my bald brothers with beards, make sure you keep it oiled and clean. And don’t forget the skincare routine!


When I started losing my hair, I had anxiety about it during two years.

Then, the day I shaved it all, this anxiety disappeared. I did not feel any change in my ability to attract women. I was bald when I met my wife and now I have two children with her.

Just embracing it completely, being one with your baldness, makes you more mature and makes you learn that true confidence is indeed the key.

I know who I am, my strengths and my weaknesses, I know my place in this world. Baldness is a detail.

I hope you guys having that anxiety will also overcome it. Life after it is great.


She said she would make a video on it...

And she delivered!!!


I decided to shave my head 2 months ago after accepting my receding hairline. Best decision I've made. No regrets 😁


Thank you so much Courtney for touching on this subject. Losing your hair is depressing but I think You just boosted the confidence of thousands of men including myself!


I literally came across this vid after just shaving my head. I've been doing this for about a year or so. I grew a short beard. Never felt more confident about my look. Thank You for this video, Courtney! :)


I'm 34 and started losing my hair in my late 20s. Started using hair fibers to make it look like my hair is still full. It sucks to do it but, I'm scared I wont be attractive. This video gave me the confidence boost I needed to take the step and go bald.


Thank you for this Courtney. I’ve been shaving my head for years. I started losing my hair at 24, and even before then, my hair line was super high up. Took me a long time to grow secure in that. So one day I shaved it off, I dug the look and have not looked back.


Proudly married to a balding KING! He's killing it! OWN YOU, confidence is everything!


Bless you for making this video, fortunately for me I took the plunge 3 years ago but held off far too long prior to that but it was the best choice I could have made for myself. The confidence that follows after embracing it is real. It was a major paradigm shift for me in many aspects of my life.

THANK YOU for being a female voice to support men who are still going through it. You’re a real one


I adopted the completely bald look 20 years ago when my hair was seriously thinning, I've never looked back and the confidence boost you get is great. Thank you for your endorsement Courtney. 😎


This is especially true for women who are 25+. Guys get huffy about shaving it off because the girls who are 17-24 mostly prefer guys with hair, given that they prefer guys in their general age range. But bald works well when it's done right. You have to be in shape, get a tan, and have some sense of style. If you're out-of-shape, no muscle, weak as a kitten, ghost white, wearing a dollar-store t-shirt, nothing will work for you. I've been shaving it off since I started receding and I've never struggled for female attention.


I appreciate you Courtney and your awesome content.because you mentioned confidence several times I thought I would share. I accepted the fact early in highschool that I would probably be bald. But what I desire to share with you is this. Even being bald it took confidence to shave my head. I had to do mental gymnastics with the thought and then one day I did it. Interestingly I never regretted it. I don't faithfully shave everyday anymore but if I want a little boost to my grooming to boost my confidence I start with shaving my head. I'm letting my beard grow Long for the third time in my life. This time will be different. Blessings Courtney, we love you.


I've been doing the bald head/beard thing for a few years....and can definitively say that women compliment me a lot on it .


I've had a bald head by choice for the last two years. I'm not losing my hair, I just thought I'd try it one day and I've loved it ever since.

I love being bald. It's the best.


I started to getting bald when I was 23, now I have 30 and got problems with self-esteem related to it. This is the first video that I watch from this channel and I loved it, thanks for this content, I will start to change my perspective from now on. Greetings from Brazil!


I had thick hair until a few years ago and it started thinning on top so I just went for the no guard buzz. It was such a relief when I embraced this look. Add some style to your wardrobe like Courtney always advises and you’re onto a great look.


I started to bald in high school and just started shaving it in my 20's and never looked back. I agree with you completely about the beard combo grew out my beard a few years ago and love my beard


Thanks, Courtney. I started going bald when I was 19 yrs old. I tried to hold on to it but then I just shaved it all off and I did feel better about myself. Thank you for making this video. It definitely helps us guys out a lot to hear this kind of thing from a sweet, attractive girl like you.
