Warren Buffett: No one would owe 'a dime' of federal taxes if other companies paid fair share

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Have been laid off since last summer and still owed way more than I thought when filing this year. Just shows how unfair things are.


We saw one helluva example recently. When a glitch took 99% of his worth (temporarily) and he was still a billionaire. Because he would still have roughly $2 billion. At that level you are almost litterally untouchable.


Crazy how this only have 12k views after 3 weeks


If the companies pay more in taxes, the theory is they will raise prices. But if I don't have to pay any federal income tax or Social Security or Medicare tax, that would be a sizable raise for me. I could afford higher prices. Plus, companies can only raise prices so much before consumers cut their spending and make do with what they have vs. getting the newest shiny toy. Additionally, I would have more control over my finances. I control what I buy vs. the government taking taxes from me. I'm pretty sure I would come out ahead on this deal.


You pay taxes to subsidize tax cuts for others. Namely businesses. Warren Buffett said “If 800 other (top) companies had done the same thing (pay their share of taxes), no other person in the United States would have had to pay a dime of federal taxes, whether income taxes, no social security taxes, no estate taxes.”
But there are always business tax cuts being put forward. Large business tax cuts only benefit shareholders. Small business tax cuts help out owners. As most businesses want to pay you the lowest negotiated wage. Now imagine if you taxed places of worship on top of businesses. Individual taxes would look different. Yes, things would get more expensive. Because businesses need to reach sales/profit goals for their shareholders/owners. Not to mention a lot to what you buy isn’t even made in this country anymore. Paying for tax cuts for large businesses that employ fewer Americans. You’re paying taxes for someone else’s job overseas.


Apple paid a tax rate of only 15% last year to the US. Apple uses a strategy to artificially shift large amounts of its domestic profits into tax havens, allowing Apple to avoid paying US taxes on these profits while also paying very little in foreign taxes. Naturally, the shortfall from not paying 21% in taxes means that the rest has to come from you and me as well as additional borrowing, which adds to the national debt.


As a liberal I really appreciate Buffett. He has the right idea.


In my opinion paying one’s fair share of taxes is much more patriotic than flying the flag. One is essential while the other is appropriate.


Warren Buffett Allegedly Said if Billionaires Paid Fair Share, No One Else Would Have to Pay Taxes Again. America just think about what Warren Buffett just said, No one else here would have to pay taxes, which would be a stronger America, people could live better, young couples could get Married and have at lease 3 kids and the family Situation would be a lot better. pricing of goods could be less and people would be able to buy more driving prices down on every thing, we would have less crime cause their would be more jobs for the criminals we have out here and with that less robberies and car jackings cause Americans would have more monies because our Rich people would be paying their fair share of taxes WOW, and whats sad about that is these same people used our tax paying systems to get rich, over charging Americans on goods and services and they don't give a dam, thats the reason we need regulations and laws all over the place, so If I were President, I would pass a law the made sure all Rich people would pay their fare share of taxes cause it would be good the Nation and its people's. It would make our nation a better and stronger place to live making us the the true envy of the World.


Why has he never been asked to be the Treasury secretary or anything else???


To ALL of the companies and shareholders who think that laying off, terminating, and cheating your workers aka potential customers is a good idea, you're FIRED. Fired from our cupboards, our driveways, or entire ecosystems. Do you really think or expect that CEO, CFO, or whatever title(s) these people you pay these huge bonuses out to are going to patronize your business? No, often they get perks, free products, or discounted goods/services so they save or spend their money elsewhere. You cheated and are screwing a large part of your customer base being your own employees and hard workers. We drive the economy NOT the rich million dollar bonus getting heads you appoint. We invest our hard earned money into the products we make which keep you in business. When we lose YOU LOSE TOO! I've yet to see any business stay in business without customers. How do you expect to sell goods to a public who CANNOT afford them especially in today's economy???? This isn't rocket science. Your businesses are sinking ships due to your corporate greed, poor practices, and foolish choices. This is far from over. Honestly IT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN! Bring back mom and pop businesses and let's better our OWN communities. The only help we need is to help ourselves. Corporate GREED isn't the American dream. DEMAND BETTER!


This is the tax model of Saudi Arabia. There are thousands of multi billion dollar Corporations. Do IT!!!!


What about a flat tax across the board for everyone from the richest person to the poorest person? Id rather have a flat tax with no refund check and keep major companies in the USA, then try to tax people that work hard and make more.


If I understood that right, he said Berkshire only paid 5 billion in taxes in a YEAR. Congress spends that in a matter of minutes! He also said that they pay at 21%. As much as they’re making why aren’t they way above a 33% tax bracket?


Like this message if you miss Charlie 😇


Thats an amazing idea! we would just have to find a way to reel in government. If not, they will spend it anyways and ask for more from the citizens.


The title of video is incorrect. He never used the words "fair share".


What percentage does Warren Buffet pay? I read that it was only 0.1%.
I mean personally, not his company (s).


Romans 13:7-8 (NKJV)
[7] Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
[8] Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.


He talks about paying taxes ---> does everything not to pay them.
