Doomsday Preppers Personality Characteristics #shorts

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The preper I worked with was actually pretty cool. She was very honest about why she felt the way she did and wasn’t apologetic about it. I’m also pretty certain she didn’t run out of toilet paper during Covid.


I have been through two major natural disasters that rendered me without shelter, food, and water. I'm not a pepper but am a preparer. I don't want to be in that position ever again.


Hey Doc. I am hesitant to say this for fear of being misunderstood. I am a " prepper" and I have no connection with "Doomsday Prepping". Let me explain. I grew up in the very northern part of Michigans Upper Pennsula back in the 50's- we lived in the woods as Father was a honest-to-god, Buffalo check wearing lumberjack. The first 7 years of my life were in a US Army surplus Quanset hut with no indoor plumbing and only a cast iron pot belly stove for heat. I learned at an early age to prepare and store food. When a deer was killed, Mother canned much of the venison. We grew veggies to get us through the winter. Everything was prepared for the winter. Since this whole " prepping" thing came about. I have been labeled a " hoarder" and a "nut" for " prepping" When I was growing up, Nobody used that term and no one planned for a " doomsday scenario". Its just a way of life for us that were raised that way. I raised 10 kids by preparing for things. I have never seen that show, in fact, I just bought a TV 2 years ago. Even at 68, I have to much to do to watch that program. I can say that I made it through covid without going out for " bread and milk" and without a doubt, I can live through a full turn of the calendar without running out of anything. I'm sure I can be called a " prepper" but I can even imagine a " Doomsday Scenario". I'll leave that to many other people.


I would like to clarify that this is an opinion of TV doomsday preppers. High extroversion is only for the TV personalities. Most are highly introverted.


One of the characteristics of a nerd doctor is getting this all wrong.


I'm a minimal prepper, but still a prepper, and I do indeed have OCD and a couple other traits you listed.
Been loving the shorts, Doc, definitely one of my favorite channels over the past few years.


Sounds as though you are profiling the mostly-outlandish characters on the TV show. The people I know who try to be prepared for eventual calamities are calm, kind, generous and smart. And it pays to be hyper-vigilant — not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.


I don't think there is only one kind of prepper. I have a history of PTSD and, for me, that comes with a need to feel safe and secure. When covid first hit, it triggered my PTSD and I convinced my husband to buy a few emergency food kits. And with the way the world has gone since then, we eventually started buying other supplies. I admit there's a certain level of neuroticism that's involved in my particular case, because it's attached to my PTSD. And I'm sure there are many who have the characteristics you described. But I think there are a lot of reasons people start prepping, and these individuals can't all be lumped together and generalized in this manner.


There's no crime in being prepared for unexpections! You can be prepared without going overboard . When the pandemic shutdown hit and people were scrounging for tp and basic essentials and had to stand in long lines at the store... me and my family stayed at home and watched it on TV! Such a good feeling knowing that when shit hit the fan we had tp to clean it up! Haha! We think it's unrealistic to not prepare but I definitely wouldn't call it doomsday prep... that's a whole nother category! There are worst things to be obsessed with! To each his own! Don't come knocking on my door asking for toilet paper 😂


I'd like to see what preppers have to say about the train situations in Ohio and Michigan right about now. I feel like they may be on to something.


It’s one thing to keep your pantry beefed up with a few months of dry goods and some emergency water to last 10 days, but it’s another thing to become so OCD that you are living now like you are on the verge. Thing is. If there is an apocalypse, will
It be floods, a bomb, an earthquake- people can stalk up like a psycho but it doesn’t do any god if there is a flood or fire.


Oh well. these days even the most hardcore cynic may turn in to a very quick prepper


Global Cataclysm, maybe not. But preparing for some “serious sh*t” is always good. Let’s not pretend parts of the world aren’t destroyed consistently with great losses of life by sudden tragedy’s SEEMINGLY outside of human control.


I'm a total prepper and the complete opposite of everything he described.


Would be useful to distinguish between doomsday preppers and disaster preparedness - it’s an important distinction that most people simply don’t see.


New Zealand enters the chat.
Hypothetical? Reality here.
Don't be scared, be prepared.


I live in the Cascadia subduction zone and it concerns me how unprepared everyone is. Fires, earthquakes, shootings, and tsunamis (if you live near water) are all good scenarios to have a plan for and some basic emergency preps. Even just being mentally prepared can make a world of a difference when a disaster happens.


It was fascinating to watch these shows. I remember watching an episode of a man with a trailer full of 5 gallon buckets filled with beans and rice. He and his wife spent their time canning, drying and storing food. They looked rather unhealthy and morbidly obese.

This seemed odd. He was prepping for an attack that would render all electrical items useless. This would cause people to riot, loot, kill and starve.

I thought to myself… „Isn’t heart disease the #1 killer?“ Wouldn’t that be more realistic threat to fight?


Yeah but when the shelves were bare in 2020 they were laughing it up


You're still not getting my rice though.
