'Feel it to Heal It'- Healing the Body Through Openly Feeling Everything

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This is essentially the practice that allowed me to heal from chronic anxiety and various symptoms I've encountered over the years. I use it daily for any feeling that catches my attention and when my inclination is to avoid it or try to fix a feeling. I call this practice 'Feel it to Heal It'- It's quite simple and profound and makes a lot of sense- except we don't this when we uncomfortable feelings arise. We have a tendency to shut down, suppress, fight, flee, resist or react to uncomfortable feelings in the body. The key is to do the opposite- embrace and open to all feelings the body gives you- they are all meant to be felt fully; and when they are felt fully they change and ultimately pass.

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Having suffered Complex Ptsd for three years, i can tell you that this is the ONLY way to heal, its not easy at first AND after you repeat repeat repeat and repeat another 300 times You will Recover, AMEN for Youtube and channels like this one,


Just a note to all, if you try feel your feelings and sensations to try get rid of them, you will make the resistance to feeling worse, you need to feel safe and welcoming to allow exactly what is there. With the intention that its ok as it is. Not to want to get rid or to change, suttle but HUGE


Cptsd from childhood abuse and alcoholic family.
In the Dark night for some years.. this past year (I’m 32-woman), has been very dark and isolating. I felt exhausted of containing inside all that pain, exhausted from running form it.
Body hurts so much, emotional pain is so heavy it even physical. I found that when this heavy painful emotions come up from the depths, it helps to say: This feeling is legitimate and it makes total sense taking into account what you went through. And then it just comes up so hard; I cry so hard.. there’s like a fear behind this feelings, fear of being back in the past.. but saying this words makes me realize I’m here and it’s time to rest and it makes total sense to be so sad.. loosing your family as a kid is meant to feel sad and painful.. I can feel my soul when this moments happen, as an old friend I did not see in a long time, I even feel more present and calm afterwards. But it’s so uncomfortable.
I appreciate deeply this video of support and guidance!


When you said to tell the feeling it is okay and welcome it, not only did I feel it shift, it brought up tears. I can’t believe this. Thank you so much


Fully open yourself to physical sensations, feelings.


I discovered dr. Sarno many years ago after he had written the Mind-body Prescription. I have also read books by other authors such as Steve Ozanich. This has helped me get over more physical issues that I can leave a list. I recently I've discovered that a lot of depression and sadness and even loneliness can be attributed to past trauma. I never approached these as TMS related but I'm finding this to be true. I heard you speak on the Mind and Fitness podcast. I enjoyed that interview and I must say that your channel has been very helpful to me because I am approaching my emotional pain the same way you advise approaching physical pain and it has helped tremendously! Thank you!


Thank you for walking us through an example of how to feel it to heal it 😊


I'm in San Diego. Your videos are helping me so much!!!! Cfs/long covid and recovering


When i feel my pain i can cry for hours and it is very intense. I wonder if it is good? It feels good to let it all out but at the same time it is exhausting and feels like never ending


How wonderful that we have someone like you! This information is life saving!


I love this video!!
It helps me a lot more than trying to be indifferent to the pain!
I also see more value in feeling it all, then in being indifferent.
Indifferent sounds a little unkind to me..


Trying to accept these sensation still after a year of experiencing them . I’m working on it mentally but somehow I can’t accept pain . I don’t like pain and I always be so tempted to call the er or make sure I’m at the nearest hospital when I know there’s nothing physically wrong I’ve been checked so many times . But I’m still learning this .. thank you for taking me one step closer


SO powerful and helpful👋👋👋💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Thank you so very much and happy for you too


Don’t Freak out over any of your feelings and emotions. All feelings are OK. The mind and body will follow your lead and quiet down.


So hard with chronic fear and anxiety. Even when i want to feel my body automatically sucks it up and supresses it.


Powerful. I actually felt tired after this. Normal?


Have you done Vipassana? Very similar teaching!


Great video but even with my volume all the way up I can hardly hear you, this happens on a lot of your videos


What do you recommend to someone who is consistently in a not so good place who is willing to feel these uncomfortable feelings but is worried about not being able to come out? Any suggestions for something comforting or enjoyable to follow up after dealing with this potentially scary sensations. Thank you


Is feel it to heal it the same as somatic tracking? Thank you.
