Ukraine accuses Russia of invading Crimea

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An emergency session of the United Nations Security Council has ended with members calling for an urgent international mediation mission, after Ukraine said the Russian troop movements are an act of open aggression.

If tensions are not eased, Ukraine's ambassador to the UN, Yuriy Sergeyev, said his country is strong enough to defend itself, while Russia's ambassador to the UN said military movements in Crimea are not unusual and are part of an existing arrangement with Ukraine.
Al Jazeera's Tim friend reports from Kiev.
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I am not a supporter of Russian policies, but I find Obama's answer hypocritical to say the least. " Any violation of Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply destabilizing"... Why didn't the American administration say the same thing about Libya when it decided - along with its allies- to take military actions in the region?


Come on Ukraine, show the same spirit that Finland showed long time ago! Don't let Russia dictate you! The world is by your side!


Crimeans began protesting after the new self-proclaimed government in Kiev introduced a law abolishing the use of other languages for official documents in Ukraine. More than half the Crimean population are Russian and use only this language for their communication. The residents have announced they are going to hold a referendum on March 30 to determine the fate of the Ukrainian autonomous region.


Why all pro-us channels do not show 50 000 people demonstrations in Crimea that do not support new Kiev neonazi gouverment. Why they do not ask how people, ethnic Russians in Crimea are affraid of their lives.


The English speaking RT news reporters are starting to resign.
They don't want to have to keep lying about what Putin's up to live on TV.


Ukraine would make a nice place for a US missile shield base.

don't you think Russia? Muahahaha


In the Crimean capital of Simferopol, around 6, 000 people marched, chanting “Russia!” and “No to Fascism!” and carrying a huge Russian flag.
Thousands were also demonstrating with Russian and Soviet flags in Odessa, the third-largest city in the country. According to police, around 5, 000 people took part in the gathering, while organizers insist there were up to 20, 000.
Protests were also held in Lugansk, Melitopol, Yevpatoria, Kerch and Mariupol.


Why doesn't anyone just let ukranians decide? christ, obama talking shit and putin invading... who gives anyone the right?! LET THEM VOTE! MAJORITY RULE!


FFS, why can't we just get along and work together on a common goal, Space Travel. We are ALL human after all, this is OUR planet.


Why can't everyone get along it's ridiculous
Humans will be the end of humans.


Why Russia can't go to crimea to support 58% of russian inhabitants in Crimea? Usa wiped out Irak, Lebia, Serbia. Where was UN that time?


 I wonder how America would react if civil unrest threatened their boarder?


Taking Crimea by Russia is perfectly fine with me. Remember Kosovo?


Some 111 people have been injured in clashes between anti- and pro-Maidan demonstrators, reported Itar-Tass, citing the city’s mayor, Gennady Kernes.
At least 10 explosions were heard, both in the building and in the area around it. At least one policeman was among those hurt in the clashes, according to Itar-Tass.


The participants of the rally were demanding to hold a referendum on the future of the region, and particularly, on the status of Russian language.
Later in the day, Donetsk City Council held an extraordinary session and approved an idea of holding a referendum on the future fate of the Donetsk region. The council also supported the initiative on setting up municipal militia squads to protect citizens from possible aggression by radical nationalists, reported Itar-Tass. Additionally, authorities decided to introduce Russian as a second official language in the region.
The City Council refused to recognize the legitimacy of the government in Kiev and declared itself the only legitimate body in the city, according to ZN.UA.
The decisions were read out to the crowd of demonstrators, who praised the move.
Earlier, according to a local news portal, a scuffle occurred between Party of Regions supporters and the so-called Volunteers’ Crops commanded by activist Pavel Gubarev, who was spontaneously proclaimed “regional governor.” Addressing the crowd, Gubarev said the authorities in Kiev were illegitimate and called for establishing popular rule. He then urged demonstrators to set up a peaceful protest camp in front of the regional government’s office.
In Kharkov, the largest city in eastern Ukraine, pro-Russian protesters managed to break through the cordon of Maidan supporters and captured the government building. The storming was accompanied by clashes and shooting, RBC daily reported.


So the US, NATO and Europe will not intervine. Russia will gain control over Crimea, and this will create a precedent for more of those things ( don't know how to name them ) to happen.


I dont see the what to be afraid of here. Russia has very low military capabilities compared to the west. They are upgrading but still have a long way to go. Putin just put on his big boy pants and wanted to play imported for a day.


An Acting President is a person who temporarily fills the role of an organization's or country's president, either when the substantive president is unavailable, So ask yourself what happen to the real President.


TV you not all shows. Look for in a virtual world, Russian news channels RTR. Our relatives, friends and brethren, you that dwell in Ukraine call us back and confirm the facts, which take place in Ukraine, confirm that only the Russian channels also broadcast the truth. I myself did not know about the situation until disassembled in detail the situation that is happening in Ukraine. Sorry for my broken English. The truth is not hidden.


as I `m thinking will be better for US-not meddle in the affairs of foreign countries! Otherwise wake Russian Bear and all will be very bad! do you need it?
