17 Things Frugal People Don't Do

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17 Things Frugal People Don't Do.

#DebtFreeDana #FrugalLiving

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Hey there! I'm Dana. I'm a wife and Mother to 4 kids, including twin boys and two girls. I work full time outside the home in finance as a Corporate Accountant, but enjoy sharing my personal and parenting journey online. We live in the Philadelphia area.

Follow Me on Instagram @DebtFreeDana

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“We don’t hang out with losers.” Wow. That is probably the single best piece of advice I’ve ever heard. It’s amazing what hanging out with the wrong crowd will do to you! We’ll done!


When we got married we decided that one of us would stay home with our kids. To do that we drove 10 year old cars with no payments. We got from point A to B fine. I bought my 3 daughter's brand new cute clothes and shoes off season on clearance and stored for the next season. Also handed down basics. I made all our meals from scratch, even snacks. Bought toys and stuff at garage sales and resale stores. No comparing with friends or family. We did go on vacation every year but not fancy. We went only where we could drive. Always got a room or suite with a kitchen so we could eat in at least 2 meals a day. We searched out free activities in our destination. Those family memories were worth it to us. Our girls are nearly all grown now. But say they loved our simple get aways. Only a couple of fancy ones in 20 years. Once to Disney with 3 day cruise and two days at the park. We even took advantage of a free day promotion they had for community service. Give a day, get a day. So only paid for 1 day. Then we spent weeks in Utah at a family camp. Like summer camp for families. Was a ball! We had to fly.


1. Car Loans
2. Overdraft
3. Don’t eat cheap food
4. Credit card balance
5. Keep up w/ Jones
6. Hang w/Losers
7. Take fancy Vaca.
8. Alway Price compare
9. Research health care
10. do 401k
11. N stop learning
12. Life ins.
13. Waste food
14. Stock up
15. N pay full price
16. Shop insurance
17. Spend Emotionally


I love traveling and I do it on a shoestring budget. I went to Hawaii in September and I paid for almost my entire flight with saved airline miles and I rented a camper van instead of staying in an Airbnb.


I always have food left when I go grocery shopping, but nothing goes to waste. When I put away our gorceries I make sure we leave the previous items in front of the new so nothing ever expires


Vacation is good for mental health. One need not be a spendthrift, but seeing new things, experiencing new cultures/people is priceless.


Oh my gosh, this is my husband and I 100% especially the vacations part. We love "stay-cationing" go do something fun then sleep in our own beds!


My husband has become a wonderful bargain hunter and negotiator. So proud of my families progress in 2019! Love your channel.


My mom always said..."Birds of a feather--flock together "


My husband and I have been married for 19 years. We have been in debt before, but we have tried to live sensible and frugal throughout the years so we could be where we are today financially.
We tend to eat out more than we should but other than that we are strict with our money.
We are currently debt free and by God's grace I pray we continue to be debt free. My husband is a full time pastor, we have 2 older teens, we homeschool, and live off of one income less than 30k a year. We live in central PA north of Williamsport. We follow all these tips and we are in want for nothing. We are in our early 40s. I think part of being a frugal family is having a spouse that is on board and being a cheerful giver and tither.
I'm not a stocker but we do have a small emergency food portion. We shop at food discount stores, we don't pay full price for many things. We love thrift stores and library book sales. One thing we also do is that we live our life as minimalst. Not extreme but enough to not have stress with abundant clutter.
Great tips 😀😀😀😀


Both of my parents grew up during the Depression so there was ZERO food thrown away when I was a child.


I liked the whole list except the one about hanging out with losers. I visit jail every week as my ministry. I talk to homeless people on the street. I don't think ANYONE is a loser - maybe broken and heart broken but God's children.


I do most of these except I don’t skimp on travel. Love travel and would forgo other things.


Dana, I've been following you since you had your boys, and I don't see a thing wrong with using credit cards if you pay them off every month! I can't imagine NOT paying them off every month. In 43+ years of marriage, there was ONE TIME when we split the credit card bill in half - I think it was when we were charging college tuition for one of our kids. We paid off the other half the next month. It was planned. Not everyone who uses credit cards keeps a balance. We taught our kids how to be financially responsible and we are so thankful that they are careful with their money. I don't agree about vacations (and what's "fancy?"). Our kids have never been to Disney (and haven't gone as adults either), but we did take them to National Parks and the ocean (both of them), etc. We have great family memories from these vacations.


I disagree about travel, about frugal people not taking 'fancy' vacations. We did Disney for our family of 4 two years ago, paid cash, and are headed to AZ and the Grand Canyon next April, all saved up for, paid in cash. Because we are frugal in other areas, we can afford to save up and take nice trips like that. For us, that's important before the kids are grown (currently a tween and a teen).


Thank you for continually adding new material. Your insight and tenacity are very encouraging. And V8 is awesome.


I have definitely emotionally shopped before. So, I use all my moral strength to just drive home when I’m having that kind of day.


I'm with you on the fancy vacations. We spent 8000$ a couple years ago on a family vacation (hubby loves them, I don't care for them) and I still resent it. It would have been so much better to put this on the mortgage! But as a couple you sometimes have to compromise. We won't be taking another fancy vacation for a (long) while


Love the statement.. Never stop learning. The wisest thing I was taught was my grandfather saying LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY.


Love some of these tips. I do finance my car with 0% interest and I do take fancy vacations with cash, as I believe there is so much to experience outside of your local town. For me, life is too short to miss out seeing the world. Great tips you provided. Love your channel.
