Stylize your AutoHotkey GUI with these Custom Buttons. ( w/ Joe Glines )

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Here is where you can find the button class and the editors code.
If you don't already have a copy of the AHK GDI+ Lib, you can find the link to it on the forum post linked above.
Into AHK? Check out Joe Glines channel to watch 100's of AutoHotkey and related videos.
Shortly into our recording zoom put us out of sync a bit, hopefully it's not too distracting.
If you don't already have a copy of the AHK GDI+ Lib, you can find the link to it on the forum post linked above.
Into AHK? Check out Joe Glines channel to watch 100's of AutoHotkey and related videos.
Shortly into our recording zoom put us out of sync a bit, hopefully it's not too distracting.
Stylize your AutoHotkey GUI with these Custom Buttons. ( w/ Joe Glines )
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