Hybrid Synth Sounds Tutorial Using microKorg Audio & Midi Inputs

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As requested from a community channel poll, here's a bit of an oddball synth sound design tutorial on how to create hybrid synth sounds using the microKorg's midi and audio inputs in series with another synth, the Yamaha SY35.

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Man that sounds killer...I love big fat pads and leads. No bleeps and blips for me. Van Halen, Rush, Duran Duran...love it!


Thanks so much i just grabbed an old 80s fm synth and this is extremely useful !


Nice one, thanks Chris, it's given me some ideas to try with my CS1X and MicroKorg.


Woah this is soo sick. It's neat that you can trigger the filter envelope with midi instead of trying to do a sluglish envelope follower type thing 😃


Might try it with my DX7, useful video this


Learning about synthesizers and this was very helpful thanks


I’m using my Roland gr55 midi out to midi in microkorg and thus far liking the results but need to delve more into the menus of both units to get a more desired result but I’m now also thinking on taking the right output from the gr55 to the audio in 2 microkorg just to see what will happen, thanks for the great video


Is the amp hooked up to the korg or the yamaha? Ive got a micro korg and an old entry level yamaha that has a built in speaker. Id like to do sonething to hook ip the korg to it and still be able to get the layered drum beat loops that come from the yamaha


I'm also super surprised to see the SY35, I have a pretty beat up one from a second hand warehouse. It's got some interesting, FX patches such as an artillery explosion. Gotta dig into programming it sometime 🤔


Hi! Nice video! I also have a microKORG but keys are dead. What’s the cable you are using to connect them? It look good quality.

Also, is possible to connect the microKORG to a simple keyboard with jack input?

I mean, a MIDI-JACK cable could work? There are some in Amazon but idk if they work for that.

Thanks. Kind regards.


Great demo! There's something I'm wondering about. Let's say I connect a midi keyboard to the micro x. Is it possible to select different sounds for micro x and midi keyboard and play them at the same time?


Hey Chris. I have an older keyboard (korg SP200) that doesn't have any knobs, wheels or sliders. I thought it would be cool if I could run MIDI from my keyboard into the microkorg, and a second midi cable from the microkorg into my interface/ DAW, so that I could use the Microkorg's wheels and knobs to manipulate the sounds. (I realize I could just use the microkorg, but I prefer the larger keys of my old keyboard). Is there a way to do this?
TIA, Isaac


I just bought this nice synth. I also have a basic Yamaha digital piano, a PB series. I was wondering if I could tweak the Yamaha through the microkorg in order to emulate electric piano phasing and tremolo...


Two questions: I ordered a Blofeld unit and was wondering...I know I can use the Micro keyboard to control it but will it be easy to switch back and forth fairly effortlessly in a live situation or should I just get another controller? The second question, I noticed that the Minilogue does not have amp as an LFO target to create tremolo. Can I also set it up to a Minilogue and send amp lfo msgs? Thx for any suggestions. I'm so used to working in a computer but I just want to go completely computer free. Just hardware and I am a little out of my skill on how to integrate them all so that they play nicely together (in a midi sense). BTW - the sy85 was my first synth and I loved it I still have the sound card in storage somewhere.


My electric piano doesn't have a midi but I want to edit the sounds from it through my microkorg. Wondering how to so this. Thanks


is there a way thAt the microkorg output sound the internal sound más the input at the same time as two diferent layers of the same pacht?


I have an old school Casio mt-86 which I paid £5 for at a boot sale. The microkorg is on it's way to me now in the post. It has a line out on the casio but no midi. Damn. 😭


Bit of a noob here getting my feet wet in the world of synths...I'm wondering if I can use another keyboard as a midi controller with the microKorg's vocoder function? Thanks.


Im from darkage of synth, nobody using dry synth in the 70-80th, everybody has a dsp, even cheap one like Midiverb, or guitare pedal to expand sound of the synths. Before layer we called this technic : Synth stack . I ever combined 2 or 3 synth or expanders to get fat sounds. Master keyboards where able to send different midi program change to each midi chanel to save a combination. Today we need mac with mainstage or ableton on pc to do same as a simple masterkeyboard was able to do.I still have an Elka MK55. Dont see any real masterkeyboard able to splits an layer midi part for gear on 2 midi out and 1 one midi in to add an other midi keyboard as lower or upper manual extention .


Chris i wonder if you can help me, i only have the microkorg, is there anyway that i can programme a clean jazz synth effect ect with warm tones. I am a complete amateur at trying to work it