How Can We Know God?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1599
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Dear God, please show me who You are! I long to seek Your face so desperately. I love You! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 🙏


That's alot of episodes - sheer commitment to glorifying and serving your God straight from the heart. God bless this ministry ♥️🙏🏽📖🛐 Praise Jesus Christ!


I was subscribed to Desiring GOD and stopped getting notifications on youtube. I'm thankful to hear again.


Daniel 11:32 (last part of the scripture) The people who KNOW their God will display strength and take action.


I was trying to ask a question for Ask Pastor John because I was so lost. I was trying to be saved so I watched a lot of sermons from Piper and these clips and I just couldn't do anything. My heart was so confused that I didn't even know what question I was trying to ask. However, when I looked at the thumbnail, I realized this very simple question is what I wanted to ask.


You can know God by reading God's Word and praying.

Having said that, I've just finished reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer.


Adapting to the biblical interpretation of the truth reassures working on the self-reflection of one's heart through God's message.


Names point to Character and Essence.. Look at Creators Names as revealed in Scripture.. best book on this I've ever read is Andrew Jukes early classic, "The Names of God"


Please can you give me the prove of five points of God existence. I love your interaction of biblical concept.


We are just pointers to the revelation of God.

Places to look for a revelation of God.
1. Look to Jesus
(John 18:37, 14:16, 8:19, 10:30)
2. New testament. God chose people to be his authorized spokesmen (John 16:13)
3. Old testament. (Mat 5:17)
4. Nature. God is the creator of it all. (Psalm 19:1, Roman's 1:19-20)
5. Your own heart and concious (Romans 2:14-16)


Well... you could just go up and introduce yourself... and, maybe invite him to your next Bar-be-que.


lying would be a sin and Jesus didn't sin. if he did he would have to pay for his sins . and wouldn't be able to take our sins on as his


How can a man that doesn’t even know the name of Creator King of the Universe and desecrates everything he called set apart Can point the right location does a 500 year old name holds answers of course it does just to also point the error and you do “Teshuva” and point you to the Rock of ages His word his Torah and his Salvation, Man have created another golden calf with the replacement. Do we follow The one and only Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob the Elohim of Israel?, There is only one YAHSHUA HaMashiach! The one that came for his bride Israel !!!
Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ejad!

Eprahim has listened to the shofar and his ears been open so his heart can see.

Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ejad!

Does a Man fathered man made system of religion holds the estatus of Bride? How can a multiple personality multi denominational system be, does a Harlot without repentance has a place in the weeding of the Lamb?

Paul wrote about divorce not for our entertainment but to show the grace Adonai had with Israel after divorcing her and sending her away how can someone re-marry the one send away once she joined with others ? Paul understand that Midrash And saw the redemption of Eprahim and his companions Judah and his companions. Read all the prophets ! But first read and study Torah Peter warned you before even reading Paul educate yourself in Torah

How can we have a Messiah that is Jew but hold all the antisemite replacement elements of Catholicism and even a reformed form of one?

Read the scriptures and ask his Ruach HaKodesh perhaps he will grant you a heart to see and ears to obey


Forget knowing god. There is no way to know Jesus! Question: who would you say you know better...your spouse or Jesus? If you say Jesus, SHAME on you! Would you marry someone after reading a book about them? That’s ridiculous! Descriptions and characterizations about someone are completely inadequate for claiming to “know” someone. You people are simply taken in by the “thought” of Jesus. The “reality” of Jesus cannot be known.
