Power Query 101: Connecting to Data Sources and Handling Data Relocation

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In this video, we explain how you can create new queries to connect to all your data sources from inside the Power Query Editor in Power BI and how to handle relocation of your data files.

Are you tired of jumping through hoops just to connect to all your data sources? Well, have no fear! In this fun and informative video, we'll show you how to create new queries and connect to all your data sources directly from the Power Query Editor in Power BI. Say goodbye to that extra step and hello to instant data transformations and reshaping. Plus, you'll be able to easily see all your queries and work with them before loading them into the data model - it's a game changer!

But wait, there's more! We'll also show you the quick fix for when those pesky flat files decide to move locations and give you an error (DataSource.Error). No more frustration, we've got you covered! So sit back, relax, and let us take you on a journey of seamless data connection and relocation in Power Query.

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About Go Analytics Inc.

We are data analysis and visualization consultants specializing in Power BI. We help organizations create and nurture a data culture.

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Note: Go Analytics Inc. is not affiliated with Microsoft. Thoughts are our own.
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