rank and nullity of linear transformation R3 range space and null space bhu 2018 linear algebra

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The algebraic and order properties of R, suprema and infima, the completeness property of R, the Archimedean property, density of rational numbers in R, characterization of intervals, neighborhoods, open sets, closed sets, limit points of a set, isolated points, closure, complements, idea of uncountability of R.
Sequences, bounded sequence, limit of a sequence, convergent sequences, limit theorems, monotone sequences, monotone convergence theorem, subsequences, convergence and divergence criteria, existence of monotonic subsequences (idea only), Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem for sequences and sets, definition of Cauchy sequence, Cauchy's convergence criterion, limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence.
Definition of infinite series, sequence of partial sums, convergence of infinite series, Cauchy criterion, absolute and conditional convergence, convergence via boundedness of sequence of partial sums, tests of convergence: comparison test, limit comparison test, ratio test, Cauchy's nth root test alternating series, Leibniz test.

Functions of One Real Variable: Limit, continuity, intermediate value property, differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, mean value theorem, L'Hospital rule, Taylor's theorem, maxima, and minima.

Functions of Two or Three Real Variables: Limit, continuity, partial derivatives, differentiability, maxima, and minima.

integral calculus: Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, definite integrals, and their properties, fundamental theorem of calculus. Double and triple integrals, change of order of integration, calculating surface areas and volumes using double integrals, calculating volumes using triple integrals.

Differential Equations: Ordinary differential equations of the first order of the form y'=f(x,y), Bernoulli’s equation, exact differential equations, integrating factor, orthogonal trajectories, homogeneous differential equations, variable separable equations, linear differential equations of second order with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation.

Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl, line integrals, surface integrals, Green, Stokes, and Gauss theorems.

group theory Groups, subgroups, Abelian groups, non-Abelian groups, cyclic groups, permutation groups, normal subgroups, Lagrange's Theorem for finite groups, group homomorphism, and basic concepts of quotient groups.

linear algebra: Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear independence of vectors, basis, dimension, linear transformations, matrix representation, range space, null space, rank nullity theorem Rank and inverse of a matrix, determinant, solutions of systems of linear equations, consistency conditions, eigenvalues and eigenvectors for matrices, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.

rank and nullity of linear transformation R3 range space and null space bhu 2018 linear algebra

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