3 Levels of Mind Maps Every Student MUST Master

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Every week, I distil what really works for improving results, memory, depth of understanding, and knowledge application from over a decade of coaching into bite-sized emails.

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=== Timestamps ===
0:00 Intro
1:01 Levels of mindmaps
2:02 Level 1
5:33 Level 2
14:35 Level 3
18:36 Putting it all together

=== About Dr Justin Sung ===
Dr. Justin Sung is a world-renowned expert in self-regulated learning, certified teacher, research author, and former medical doctor. He has guest lectured on learning skills at Monash University for Master’s and PhD students in Education and Medicine. Over the past decade, he has empowered tens of thousands of learners worldwide to dramatically improve their academic performance, learning efficiency, and motivation.

This video was sponsored by Brilliant
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Biggest shock today was seeing my MM featured at level 3. This made my day. On behalf of everyone in ICS, thank you justin for changing the way we learn!!


1) i think one key point you didn't reveal to viewers or maybe you just forgot about because its so subtle is: you cannot jump to level 2/3 right off the bat with new info when you're learning. When you learn something new, you don't gave any concept of what it is or have misconceptions or just biases and no structure at all. This is why you start off at lvl 0/1 just to understand the material first. First is memorization. You need to sleep on the data.

2) second once you have a good enough volume of info, it's no longer new to you, but just unstructured, then you begin to make the connections, create your own structure, your own flow, etc. this is where lvl 2/3 comes in. But you don't get here right away and without first going through lvl 0/1.


can u pls select a linear note and then transform it into level 1, 2 and 3 mindmap in a dedicated video, it would be great help
, thank u justin


I was a programmer for 20-ish years: academic and professionally, so even my non-programming mind maps look like object/relationship diagrams combined with data-flow diagrams. But as well as this, I add in what I call data islands - these are essentially the screens of information that I would display to the user if I were writing a program based on the diagram. Using these techniques (and a hierarchy of colours that I keep constant for all my work) allows me to structure most things.


I feel like 75% of the benefit comes from to *active engagement*.
Level 0 and level 1 are completely mindless. They are basically passive actions, they simply delay the effort that is *engaging* with the content.

I remember having to take notes because otherwise the professors would get pissed.
It was a monstruous waste of time, when I write I can't focus on the lecture, that leads to bad quality notes because they weren't thought through, which then moves the work to after the lecture.
I very much preferred when I was to take minimal notes and focus on building the cognitive framework.


I love that you've come up with your own levels for mind-mapping.

In grad school (Education), I upped my mind-mapping game to the highest level that I've found so far: Mind-mapping towards an instructional model of whatever I was studying.

If you can create a diagrammatic representation that acts as the "ultimate model" of the topic, you can start INNOVATING, advancing and enhancing the topic towards a "new" theory.

Another tip for getting there is efficient minimalism: What is REQUIRED for this diagram to act as a framework or taxonomy for this topic?

Why? Because efficiency is a distillation process that sets up the best neural pathways for learning. If you think about it your mind map is a visual representation of how you are trying to encode the neurological network of the specific topic.

In short-term memory the brain is limited to 7 (plus or minus 2) chunks of information at a time, so a diagram with the least number of branches or clusters "engages this limitation" and will actually help you remember things more easily in the long-term because your reference or "anchor point" in remembering the topic will have been simplified to a point where it takes advantage of this short-term memory limitation. This is how mnemonic devices are created.

I only really discovered this when I was studying education and neuroscience at the same time. Keep up the good work!


Active Recall + spaced repitition + Mind mapping level 3, one of the best combo to study 👌


I studied for one month and passed diploma in pharmacy because of justin....thank you Justin ..ur ways are keep...seeing his videos..thank you so much again


I can’t believe we had similar (level 0) mind map during school years 🤩🤩🤩
For a second, I thought I was looking at my past notes 😄


Remember you can prototype a quick LV1 first then, with the information gained from your first iteration, refactor it into a LV3. I find this almost always produces a better result & usually a bit faster than trying to go for LVL3 structure & coding on the first shot.


i love love LOVE this video. it took me a year to go from 0 to 1 because initially i experienced severe overwhelm and panic, and couldn't do it at all (thanks to my crazy parents..) once i got to 1, 2 came naturally to me. i have to first create 1 though, and then reduce that into 2. i'm not at level 3 yet. i'm grateful that you just gave me a map of where i need to go.


Thanks for validating the time it takes to prepare L2 and L3 MMs. Always felt guilty that it took a while for me to prep them.


Even the ad was well delivered and engaging! 😂
Amazingly useful and well explained video. One can appreciate that you think in an orderly way by how you explain 😊


I am more used to using bulleting, colour highlighting, and layered summary to bring out the dimension of the notes.

Because it is faster to do that. The traceability, switching, sequencing, and interconnection are easier to set up.

In this fast-moving and highly competitive world, we need to move fast and satisfy ourselves instantly in order to make the learning journey sustaining.


I just watched your video on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy yesterday, and I'm surprised at how well I can relate the two concepts together!

From what I've understood, level 0 "mind maps" fall into Bloom's level 1: Remember. It's literally just repetition of the content, and doesn't work that well. The brain is barely, if at all, active, and the notes are just the same text, but sometimes a bit shortened.

Level 1 mind maps are a small step above that: by trying to connect thoughts spatially, the brain has to work just a little bit harder in order to place the ideas. It leads to Bloom 2, Understand.

(Bloom level 3, Apply, is not really applicable for making mind maps.)

Level 2 mind maps jump to Bloom level 4, Analyse. By forcing yourself to group the content more logically, your brain is activated and you need to consider similarities in order to organise the content. Again, your brain is more active, which leads to a better understanding.

Level 3 (and pseudo-3) mind maps go another step above, to level 5: Evaluate. You directly mentioned needing *judgement* in order to *prioritise* the groups -- both of those bolded words were emphasised in your video about Bloom's Taxonomy!

(Again, Bloom's level 6, Create, doesn't really apply here. Sure, a level 3 mind map can be used to learn at level 6, but it's 1. not needed and 2. doesn't require a new level of mind map.)


The best teacher i have seen you improved my studying experience and grades in biology went from 52-92 percent thank you justin sing


I'm currently using mind maps to map out the main points of scientific papers (for postgraduate studies) I'm currently reading through. I was surprised at how uncomfortable it was in the beginning, but now I'm getting into it quite nicely. Definitely helps with finding relationships etc. I wish I knew of this channel much earlier, but grateful I get to learn from it now. 🙌


Thanks a lot Justin sung

I have been for this drop for a millennium now, you are the person that had changed my perspective about education.

I am a pharmacy student from Nigeria, and you are The only educator i wish i have.


This is one of the best videos you've created on Youtube! I've seen a bunch of your videos and they are all really great and yet this one has topped all of the ones I've seen so far! Great work Justin and I appreciate your guidance. More videos like this would be awesome!


I will admit, that I am level 0. I have BS in ME. a minor in Nuclear Engineering, and work for a research institute. I will be using this when I return to school for
my PhD.
