Book of Mormon Evidence? Possible Gold Plates Found in Saudi Arabia.

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00:00 - Intro
3:15 - Background on temple symbolism in the Book of Mormon
6:00 - Gold plates contained writings in ancient Hebrew
11:38 - Gold plates were found near Medina, along Lehi's trail in the Book of Mormon
13:09 - Writings on the plates obsess over the Tree of Life and temple motifs
20:23 - Lead plates contained longer histories, gold plates had abridged "precious" things
26:17 - Menorah symbolism is prevalent, representing the Tree of Life
28:41 - Whoever wrote the plates were obsessed with temple imagery and symbols
30:55 - Metal plates contained mixtures of languages like Hebrew and Egyptian
37:56 - The group that wrote the plates were likely a priestly family that fled Jerusalem
39:46 - Priestly records were often lost when the ruling class changed
40:31 - The record keepers were likely Semitic people who kept parts of Egyptian culture
45:47 - Seals on the plates mirror descriptions of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon
48:40 - Speculation about the meaning of symbols on the plates
51:25 - The discovered records strongly corroborate elements of the Book of Mormon
52:03 - Another gold book from a different source, indicating there may be many such records
54:12 - Possible metallurgical composition of the plates
57:11 - Images and text on the plates depict biblical stories and symbols
1:01:57 - A recently discovered lead container with Hebrew writing and a menorah symbol
1:06:51 - Linguistic analysis of the text on the plates, likely a mixture of languages
1:14:51 - Potential connection to the Zadok priesthood and lost records
1:17:36 - Cleaning and examining the delicate lead plates
1:18:38 - A sealed metal book with 12 seals, indicating an important ancient agreement
1:22:18 - Detailed analysis of the symbols on the 12 seals

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"Between now and the time the Savior comes again we will see...miracles"


I mention to missionaries all the time that it's critical to introduce the concept of the 12 tribes before introducing the BOM. All of the tribes were instructed to keep records. So then the question is posited, "If you can't believe in the BOM as another record, what are you going to do when all the other records start showing up?"

And here they are.


Isn't Heavily Father amazing I took a very deep dive back into the scriptures recently and had doubts after my wife who.I married in the Provo temple was shot and passed away nut our daughter just got baptized and I actually just today prayed with all my heart that I could believe about our faith and Joseph and the book of Mormon because its been a hard.7 years without her and I forgot how TRUE and amazing all of this is!!!


Interesting coincidence that this find became publicly available on April 3, 2024, the same day the Angel Moroni was reinstalled on the highest spire of the Temple in Salt Lake City.


•I just saw the Shabbat Night Live episode earlier today and couldn’t resist leaving a comment about how familiar this sounds to a similar ancient American record on metallic plates 😄


Stick of Joseph thanks for covering this!!! I love the Church! I love the Lord! I love the Book of Mormon!


I honestly think you guys and your channel could be a big reason this is coming to light. Thanks for your passion for the Book of Mormon.


The most important evidence is the witness God will give you when you sincerely read the book, ponder, and ask whether it is true.


It doesn't matter how much evidence there is. The wicked harden their hearts and ignore it. There's already SOOO much evidence to support the Book of Mormon and they still don't believe it.


Considering where these plates were found, what if these were sacred records and personal family items that Lehi brought from Jerusalem and the Lord said to him: “for a wise purpose in me, bury these things up here to come forth in mine own due time”


This was AWESOME! I got so much out of it & it is so exciting! My only advice is to not talk while the film is rolling. I want to hear both you and Dave AND the guys on video. Just not at the same time. Thankyou so much!

The Lord's hand was in this for sure. I hope and pray that these things will be protected until they can be thoroughly translated & studied & made available to the public.❤❤❤❤


some red flags and this wouldn't be the first forgery like this, remember the Jordan Lead Codices?


You just know all three of them have been trying to figure out “how do we explain that this is not related to the Book of Mormon? Well, we just won’t mention the obvious elephant in the room at all.”


You guys need to do a compilation of all the anti rhetoric through the decades that’s been debunked! Clips of someone in the 70’s saying we were crazy for believing in gold plates and then show this clip etc


It would be insane if they found writings of the book of Zenos!


You need to have Bruce Porter on. He can translate this as he is an expert on Middle Eastern language. Freeze frame what has been shown and enlarge. I bet he could at least give a summary.
This also goes right along with what President Nelson said we are living in a time when nothing will be held back. I do not know who said it, but it was that there would be a time when undesputable evidence that the book of Mormon was a true book and they would still deny it. What an amazing time we live in!


I posted about this in the Ezra's Eagle Facebook group on April 1 and a bunch of people thought it was an April's fools joke. I should have waited a day, but I was too excited about it to wait! It's exciting what the Lord is revealing in the Last Days! Great job on your commentary!


You guys just made my pre-conference week! Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for having Dave Butler on again! I am a real fan!!!


I literally just sent a link to this episode to everyone in my phone contacts! My heart is burning!!!
