Book of Mormon Visions Confirmed by Ancient Maps (feat. Jim Gee)

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Everyone always wants archaeological evidence of the Bible and The Book of Mormon... well... here you go.

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This is awesome! Unfortunately, even with physical evidence, people will not believe the book of Mormon. That’s why it’s important to get a spiritual witness. But it is great to see, and hear about this kind of stuff just to strengthen the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.


I am begging you guys, get ahold of Wayne May to talk about the archeological evidence for the Book of Mormon. It is mind-blowing.


THIS IS AMAZING! GOD IS GOOD! 🙏🏽Chills! Lehi recognized it because it’s his home! He’s from the tribe of Manasseh! Anyone would recognize their home neighborhood. So cool!


To be continued . . . I am glad I subscribed to this channel today on the video about Nahum. This is fascinating stuff. Thank you guys.


Dang, Cardon. Your voice in the beginning of this series is so deep and serious. Definitely a good radio host voice.


You're killing me man.
I have a goal for going to the temple set for THIS year.
.... you hold your freaking horses sir.
I need to get my endowments before you start setting off all these catalysts that are gonna bring about the end of times, sir!
Thanks Jim, you're a pal.


For anyone else who wondered where he says Bethabara is referenced in the Old Testament, it's in Judges 7:24, a place called Beth-bara.
It's cool that this map shows where Bethabara is (or where they thought it was during the time of the crusades; I'd be very interested to read more about the archaeology that identifies it as the OT Beth-bara) but I think he overstates how much it counts as evidence that Joseph Smith was inspired (there are much better evidences).


Literally thought this was like a BYUtv interview until Cardon spoke xD this was giving off HEAVY PBS documentary vibes.


so interesting tidbit from history after watching some the the show TURN about George Washingtons spys during the revolutionary war, I gave up on the show but decided to read the book that inspired it Washington's Spies: The Story of Americas first Spy Ring by Alexander Rose...

In the Book different types of codes and cyphers utilized by the Americans and the British are discussed.

the British spymaster named John Andre liked to use biblical names for replacements names of local places. As an example when referencing the susquehanna river in military correspondence he would call it the Jordan River. (pg 201 for reference)

Just thought that was interesting that the Susquhana River was known as the Jordan River in British military Correspondence during the Revolutionary war. Since that is where Joseph and Oliver were likely baptized and received the Aaronic Priesthood


Think of what happened at that point of confluence at the crossing point on the Jordan River. Moses brings the Children of Israel here to cross over. It is also the place where Elijah and Elisha cross over. And finally, It is where John baptizes Jesus. Where else do we a confluence of these prophets?


Footnotes on where the maps were purchased?


The map orientation.... north at the top. I hav been told middle eastern/ancient maps tended to be with east orientation.
Where can I find more about these maps?


Interesting video. Why oh Why does the light have to be so dim in this Why not lay that map down on a table with good light and give us the entire view in context between the Bethbara Jim Gee is showing on this ancient map and the place on the same map where from the 1600's it is placed closer to Jericho? My goodness it is frustrating! For him to make a statement that this is evidence for proof of the BOM, why not display his findings out the shadows! Just saying!!!


Help me out here: John 1:28 says Jesus was baptized in Bethabara. 1 Ne 10:9 says the same thing.

What’s the big deal? What am I missing?


This is definitely interesting. I can't wait to hear more about these things


It is cool that these maps show that the KJV and BoM have Bethabara correct, but saying there is no way Joseph Smith could have known that isn't groundbreaking as portrayed here. He used the KJV which used Bethabara in John 1, so naturally he would have used that too if he made the BoM up. He may never even have heard Bethany was used in other versions of the Bible. Let me know if I am missing something here.


so good, add this to nahom, sidon river, land of bountiful.


2014 commentary on the New Testament, an old Institute manual, shows in chapter 21 that Christ was baptized by John in Bethabara. This information is out there, but few know of it.


very interesting, but it would be better if they weren't in the dark


Notice that just north of there is Debir.
