Anders Sandberg - The Technological Singularity

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Anders gives a tutorial on the Singularity - clearing up confusion and highlighting important aspects of the technological singularity and related ideas, such as accelerating change, horizons of predictability, self-improving artificial intelligence, and the intelligence explosion.

This paper reviews different definitions and models of technological singularity. The models range from conceptual sketches to detailed endogenous growth models, as well as attempts to fit empirical data to quantitative models. Such models are useful for examining the dynamics of the world-system and possible types of future crisis points where fundamental transitions are likely to occur. Current models suggest that, generically, even small increasing returns tends to produce radical growth. If mental capital becomes copyable (such as would be the case for AI or brain emulation) extremely rapid growth would also become likely.

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Adam Ford
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interesting perspectives on the subject, thanks for sharing it


Are you Anders Sandberg awere of how the technology is abused on humans without informed concent to understand the functional architecture of the brain? I am very grateful for an answer.


First it was "Jesus will save us". Now the big lie is that computers will. WE have to save ourselves.
