Create a Blog, News or Magazine Website with Newspaper Theme

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a news or magazine style website or blog using the Newspaper theme.. The newspaper theme is one of the best WordPress theme for creating news website. Check out the training and enjoy..

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You are the best. Keep the content coming. I just subscribed


Good tutorial for beginners. I had one issue that while creating video post it creat thumbnail with YouTube videos. But from facebook video not creating any thumbnail or featured image of that video. But in single post we can see the video


By far the best video I've found on Newspaper. I bought the latest version for a new project but I am having SO many issues with things not working. Every time I have a problem I go to the tagdiv documentation but most of it shows "depreciated" at the top because it relates to earlier versions. Any video links are also for earlier versions, like version 9, which are useless for version 11. So far I've probably sent twenty or more emails to support but I'm spending hours and hours trying to do the most simple things. I would highly recommend you do an updated video on version 11. That would be immensely helpful. I was ready to give up on this theme and go back to using divi, but your video has given me hope. Thank you. Their support takes a long time to respond so I don't know if you are willing to help me with a few issues?


Hello! Thanks for this video. After installing the Newpaper 11.4 version, I couldn't find my header style, top bar menu from the theme panel. I need help pls.


Hello. I have just purchased this theme. Although i have one problem. I want to change the names of the categories in the Header because they dont fit what i want but i dont know how to fix it and its breaking my min lol. Please help


Hi sir even i do changes in theme panel and save settings it shows settings saved but it doesn't implement changes on the website. Pls help


You cant do a tutorial without focusing on mobile settings. Newspaper is difficult to do mobile settings nt desktop setting eg a menu can not pop up on mobile.


Please what's the difference between tagdiv composer and theme panel?


does anybody have actually made money with this Newspaper-Theme? Im thinking to buy it :)


Good tutorial for beginners. I had one issue that while creating video post it creat thumbnail with YouTube videos. But from facebook video not creating any thumbnail or featured image of that video. But in single post we can see the video