Squarespace How to Create A Blog [Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide]

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In this video, learn every step of how to setup your blog on Squarespace. I've designed hundreds of blogs and each one requires a core set of components. Watch this video to learn my 7 step process to create and publish your blog posts.

Master your digital presence to grow your business. Your website and software automation are your best employees if you get them set up correctly! I’ll help you do that with tutorials and tricks you can use to earn more revenue and have more control of your business success!

On this channel, we talk about everything related to Squarespace and running an online business.

00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Create a Blog
02:43 - Structure of a Blog Post
09:09 - Commercial for eBooks
09:51 - Design of a Blog Post
14:11 - Housekeeping for Backend
16:32 - Outro
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This was very helpful. I've looked at several tutorials and felt they skipped steps that were not exactly intuitive. This really explained details I needed. Thanks


I loved the way you explained everything in less than 20 minutes and the voice certainly adds up! Thank you!


By far the most informative and grown-up explanation. Thank you for providing something of real value. Literally almost all of the Squarespace tutorials are sadly ridiculous and a waste of time. You are in it to help not build your personal brand or BFF network. Thank you again


Great video and your voice is so easy to listen to. Thank you!


I just love your soothing soft voice, I get really focused and get things done with such ease. Thank you for what you are doing! You're one of a kind 😊


You are a teacher!! And a great one at that. The way you explain things. So easy to understand. Thank You so much… Blessings ♥️🙏🏾


Very helpful and what a soothing voice.


Thank you for making this video. *thumbs up* indeed


You explain so good and your voice is so calm and easy to listen to
Thank you for making these!!


The information here is great. I want to know what ads network is compatible with Squarespace so I can monetize my blog with ads. I would love to see a video on this


Thank you for sharing. This gave me great direction in setting up my upcoming blog.


thanks for sharing . informative content.


Hi! First of all, I really like your channel - your style, content - a great SquareSpace resource. I an new to building a website as a complement to my YouTube channel. I give a big like, and subscribe 😀. I've watched a few videos already and plan to see more. Well done and have a great day 👍


Great video, thanks man! Can you crank up the master volume on these when you edit, its a little hard to hear without headphones, thanks man.


So much good stuff in here! Thank you! I was also wondering if there was a way to have the blogs be organized on my site according to category instead of date? Can I move them around so the ones that are read in a specific order are all together and my other random posts are separated out?


Very clear and I want to know if I can rearrange the sequence of posts?


Hi Alex, great video - for UK users how do I change the Blog date to UK date format, thx


Hi David! Great video, I've watched it everyday for the past week, LOL. Question for you! I used the same template you did in this video, and I, too, have 4 little sections. The issue that I'm having is that I want to write multiple posts within Blog Post Title 3, for example. I don't want multiple blogs on one page, just my 4 categories/little sections, per say. Is that even an option? Thank you!


Hello, I was wondering what is the purpose of tags and categories? I'm assuming it's for locating and organizing blog posts, but I'm just unsure. For example, someone has 100 blog posts, but we want our audience to be able to locate posts solely related to travel or health etc... How is that done? I didn't realize with Squarespace how many possibilities there were with the software and I'm completely new to the platform trying to learn as much as I can. My goal is to finish my site, but then get into building sites for others so I can be location and financially independent, living outside of the country. It's a process to learn everything, but I'm quite determined! I love all of your videos and I can't say thank you enough for all that you do.


I am doing this for a class and I do not see an options setting for thumbnail image. I am just using the trial since I won't need it after final presnetation for class.
