Sigil Magick: How to Make and Charge Your Own Magic Symbols - Chaos Magick

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Sigils are powerful, yet deceptively simple, means of manifesting your intentions with nothing more than a pen and paper. This video will show you how to transform your intentions into an abstract symbol that will work magic at your command. Chaos magick that is great for beginner or experienced witches or chaos magicians!

Includes an introduction on why it is important to keep a magic journal and how to use it, followed by 120 blank templates for recording each of your magical workings. Use it to gain insight into your personal practice, as a record of your journey, and just in case you ever need to undo what you’ve done. Available on Amazon now.
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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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I have never heard of it being turned into a mantra/chant 😃 I feel like this opens doors 🙏 thank you


Very, very helpful !! I forgot about the Mantra thing. I came across that a year or 2 ago, so an wonderful reminder. Thank you so much gorgeous Tiffany. Blessings to you.


Thank you for this i haven’t been able to find any videos about how to charge it besides people saying it to burn, this is super helpful! Love your channel


Good info. I'm just getting started on making sigils and you gave some info. that I haven't seen before. Thanks :)


Hello you, 👋😃
you are the first person that I‘ve seen here on YouTube that mentioned that there a TWO ways to activate the sigil.
I don‘t know yet which is the right one for me.
The middle way could be something for me, too…
Thank you very much for the video! 💚


Leaving the vowels in allows you to use an "O" to make a nice sigil with a round core shape. As far as the chant goes, Chaos Magicial Joseph Max always said "Anything said in barbarous tongues sounds important". Another inspiring way of charging a sigil, is to do it in UV-activated ink, and use a UV light to make it glow in a dark, candle-lit environment, while using your chant over it. A good way to "banish" your sigil from your mind is to write it on flash paper, and use a candle to make it vanish. *Poof* Done. Out of sight, out of mind.


One of the better vids on making, using and how sigils work


I’ve read all the big talisman grimoires and you very quickly filled info that I feel was absolutely necessary. That was missing from them all. At least if they said it, they completely over complicated it. Laughed quite a bit too. Thanks for the that. I only just found your channel yesterday and I can tell I already like you. You seem like a good one. A human being that is. So you’ll probably get some over written (I type really really fast) stuffed questions from me. Just FYI, I’m completely serious about anything I say. No matter how out of the box it may sound. But, as Addams would say “such is life” . except he says it in French


I'll take a picture of the sigil I've drawn and throw away the paper. At one point I had one sigil as my lock screen and another as my homescreen, accordingly. This is the middle line that I found most effective after charging in my experience. I'm aware of it and feeding it energy with many glances throughout the day, without giving much conscious thought.


Along with the Elder Futhark runes and Icelandic staves, I’m also super interested in learning about sigils. I think I’m just extremely interested in magick involving fancy symbols. :P


Really appreciate your work.
Helped me out soo much! 😍❤️


Great Demonstration!! I use this method! Very good job and a wonderful video. Thank you!


Slight side note regarding sigils, there is no one "correct" way but you will almost always be told you're doing it wrong by others online.


Hello there. I decided to look up sigils and what they do because I've been doodling in my personal journals for years now, but never quite understood what I was drawing. But I feel like I go into a trance like state when I draw them, and I'll go without blinking for a minute at a time. I didn't think much of it, just thought I was drawing something unique until I showed a friend of mine, who is a practicing wiccan, and she said they look like sigils, but because they're not charged, nothing ever came of them. So I simply searched sigils on youtube and it led me here. This video was very informational, and helpful, so I subscribed and plan on watching the rest of your videos! But more than that, I'm curious now what I can do with some of these drawings I create, and maybe I too, can learn to put them to good use.


I love your personality, seriously ive never met a witch i didnt like !!! Honest to Gawd...priests n Nuns should take a tip or two off you guys !!!


Just thought I'd let you know after watching your video I have made my own sigl and enn


Very good info. Anytime someone wants me explain how to make a sigil, I explain it as language going on a date art.


Really enjoyed this video. Just subscribed. Thanks 😀


I love Sigils and use them as petitions in my spell work or as a temporary while manifesting and then burn it .


hey! I am actually a broom closet witch and I find sigils really fascinating. I was wondering if the sigils would get charged if I draw them in a biodegradable piece of paper and burry it in my potted plant. Would that work?
