Deadlock Mirage Prediction Guide

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New Deadlock hero Mirage was just released and I wanted to do a guide where I predict what I think will be good on him. I go over all the spells and Items that I will start testing out

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with the right timing... you can tp with the urn, i tried it and it worked


Ricochet, Spiritual Overflow, Leech and Mystic Reverb all notable T4s to experiment with.

Ricochet applies stacks on everyone, Spiritual Overflow works amazing with his 3, Mystic Reverb for a slow from range as well as aoe damage, and Leech for life steal.

The character feels like Infernus but can play safer since they don’t need to be close to apply stacks. You basically want to be tanky with life steal.


I'm kinda torn on this one. The bullets look kinda slow but the actual hit detection makes it seem like they aren't traveling all that slow.


Mystic vuln should be good too if a beetle can proc it to get more burst on 3. Also the mag is pretty small so possibly titanic mag, or active reload may help


all of his abilities enhance his gun so i think every mirage build should at least partially be gun focused

1 - lift cc to expose the head
2 - bullet resist shred
3 - spirit damage onhit + slow onhit
4 - fire rate

but the problem is his gun is pretty shit

a full gun build renders his 3 damage useless but still seems pretty ok

a full spirit build relies on long, drawn-out fights to stack his 3, otherwise the 3 damage - the entire point of the build - is rendered useless and you cant really defend yourself against burst assassins

a hybrid gun/spirit build seems to be the best option for him imo, leaning towards guns early and focusing on spirit late where the fights become longer as more people buy their tank stats

for the gun portion of the build, a sniper playstyle wastes his 1 and 2 since they're both too short range to effectively use, and the 3 gets harder to use because people will just break your line of sight with cover anyway; doing an aggressive close-range build will make better use of all of his abilities and incentivize chasing enemies to stack the 3 more consistently

for the spirit portion, i think burst items are the only real option since he can't really go the sustained damage escalating exposure route

and then ofc throw in your own tank stats too - the typical double armor + siphon bullets since it's now a vitality item sounds good on top of his 2 + leech lategame since it gives both kinds of lifesteal

500s - headshot booster, close quarters, high-velocity mag, mystic burst, extra spirit
1250s - swift striker, soul shredder bullets
3000s - headhunter, point blank, pristine emblem, improved burst, improved spirit, surge of power (3 imbue)
6000s - glass cannon, spiritual overflow, crippling headshot, ricochet, boundless spirit, mystic reverb


He feels good, I disagree with the ult take though. Granted this is situational but I got put in the dome by kelvin and just teleported out. His tankie enough you can usually survive long enough to get out of bad spots with it. Also can use it to pressure objectives, draw someone to that objective then teleport for numbers in a fight


IMO Spirit doesn't seem worth. Takes too much time to build the stacks, you're just better killing him with a gun build


Spirt plus fire rate for his passive build. Get berserker early and frenzy later after stacking fire rate and spirit.


Gun build should max ultimate early. 20% Firerate and 2ms is nothing to scoff at seeing as its doubled when maxed.

Ricochet applies his passive


What Items do you think will be overpowered on Mirage?


From the front he looks like duke Leto from Dune, but from the back he looks like a woman who works as a librarian. WTF is this Character Design ?
