Reducing Variation and Improving Outcomes in Cancer Rehabilitation: The London Experience
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Speaker: Karen Robb, Macmillan Rehabilitation Clinical Lead, Transforming Cancer Services Team, part of Healthy London Partnership & Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Council Member
Title: Reducing Variation and Improving Outcomes in Cancer Rehabilitation: The London Experience
Broadening the Lens: What can we Learn from Other Complex Conditions for Successful Ageing with HIV?
The Broadening the Lens Symposium was funded by a Fellowship from the British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Kelly O’Brien is funded by a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Episodic Disability and Rehabilitation.
The Symposium was supported by King’s College London, Cicely Saunders Institute, the British Rehabilitation in HIV Association (RHIVA), Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
Title: Reducing Variation and Improving Outcomes in Cancer Rehabilitation: The London Experience
Broadening the Lens: What can we Learn from Other Complex Conditions for Successful Ageing with HIV?
The Broadening the Lens Symposium was funded by a Fellowship from the British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Kelly O’Brien is funded by a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Episodic Disability and Rehabilitation.
The Symposium was supported by King’s College London, Cicely Saunders Institute, the British Rehabilitation in HIV Association (RHIVA), Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto