What Does It Mean To Be Neurotic?

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In this video I discuss three ways to define neurotic.
1. Using the five-factor OCEAN model developed by Lewis Goldberg
2. Using the concept of neurosis developed by Sigmund Freud
3. Using personality organization construct developed by Otto Kernberg.

The OCEAN model is the most common. O is for openness, E is for extroversion/introversion, A is for agreeableness, and N is for neuroticism. All of these factors are measured on a spectrum.

If you are highly neurotic, you are very prone to negative emotional states such as depression, anxiety and anger. In this case, it becomes important to prioritize your self-care and optimize your coping skills.

Poropat AE. A meta-analysis of the five-factor model of personality and academic performance. Psychol Bull. 2009 Mar;135(2):322-38. doi: 10.1037/a0014996. PMID: 19254083

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
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I love how you get right to the point - no long intros or outros. It's refreshing and useful :))


Yes I'm very neurotic.. I've been like this since I was younger. I'm 26.. everyone seems emotionless, and I feel like the only one with high emotional sensitivity .. it feels horrible.


You are a beautiful blend of art and science.


I have two good friends, one is highly neurotic, kind and empathetic and has a great sense of humour, the other is at the low end of the neurotic scale and carefree but she can be harsh and judgemental, and often criticises her friends and family. Of the two I prefer the company of the neurotic!


I’m pretty sure I’m neurotic and I’m just now accepting that about myself after 36 years 🙄 I didn’t know there was a term for it, I just knew I was driving myself crazy with how easily I get upset, stressed, & can barely tolerate change. Working to survive in this world of constant change & uncertainty is a task indeed.


Ok, someone’s been researching their thumbnail game 💪🏾🙏🏽✊🏾


i feel i get neurotic everytime im in a partner relationship. When im single, i feel my life runs smoothly and normal. With a partner my life always gets hard, i get neurotic, afraid, too vulnerable, i cant handle my emotions, i explode. Its horrible. How can it be that i suffer so much, everytime, with romantic partners?


I used to score high on neuroticism years ago when I took the Big 5 in my psych class... after watching this video, I've realized I now score low and how much inner-work I have done on myself over the years. Feels good.


I'm definitely very neurotic, and I do suffer from depression and anxiety disorders. I've always been very nervous and emotional. It can definitely be frustrating at times, especially when people are less than understanding.

I'm also very introverted, so a lot of social situations are stressful for me.


I thoroughly dislike personality inventory questions, because they are _so_ vague!

Example: "I get nervous a lot."
Is "a lot" = I rarely get nervous, but if I do the nervousness is crippling? (Intensity?)
Is "a lot" = I get nervous often? (Frequency?)
Is "a lot" both, frequency and intensity?
How much is "a lot" and what is the "normal" amount of "getting nervous"?
How do I know, if get nervous "a lot"? What is the reference?
What kind of "nervous" are we talking about, the one based in anxiety, or also the joyful excited kind of "nervous", or also the physical kind of "nervous" that I get from coffee, tea and weed?

Some kind of personality inventory was part of my autism diagnostic. At some point the attending doctor said she had to take a break to cancel her other appointments that afternoon. I asked, if that was because of all my questions, and she laughed and said yes.


I thought I was neurotic. I thought I was going to depressed and anxious for the rest of my life. Then I finally found a medication that allowed me to get out of a chronic cycle of anxiety and fear. I found that outside of that cycle of anxiety, I am incredibly laid back and deeply peaceful.


Are we just going to sit here and pretend Dr. Tracy _isn’t_ rocking the sh*t out of that blouse?


I think I’ve been on the high end of the neurotic scale my whole life. It feels scary, like I don’t have an identity beyond my neuroticism


“I use this analogy because their both valuable” what class and understanding this woman has tip of the the hat for this gem😇


I’m highly neurotic and have ADHD. I’ve spent most of my adult life very depressed and anxious. I was diagnosed with ADHD recently at 28yo. Think going undiagnosed for so long is what led to my demise and array of mental health struggles. (Also genetics, both parents were extremely disabled due to schizophrenia, bipolar etc. They both committed suicide)

So strong emotions come very easily to me and I am very affected by the people around me. But I have an extremely hard time identifying and even feeling the emotions. And I have ZERO regulation of them so I’m in a constant state of overwhelm. So my brain usually just freezes up, which usually leads to crying, dissociation and isolation.

So it’s like yes I am very in touch with my emotions but also have no idea what they are or how to regulate them.. so not really 😅


that depth of field with the flowers in the foreground looks gewwwwd


The stoneware vs. fine China analogy is spot on. Thank you!

Also, love love love the new background setup. You look comfortable and competent sitting in the chair!


I used to be neurotic. I would breakdown and flail right there and then whenever inconveniences happened. But now i could control it. It probably has something to do with what i consume. Since im now on a diet, i also realize the way i handle conflicts is alot different than before. I tend to be calmer and analytical in a situation before i react. It's true when you said neuroticism has something to do with our nervous system.


Hello everybody.... my name is Susanna and I am definitely neurotic! I would say somewhere in the middle and I have been this way all my life and I am 70 years old right now so I don't think I'm going to change! As usual great job doctor Tracy!


Thank you so very much for what you are doing. This is my "counseling". I can not afford the mental health counseling that I need. But as a child I experienced trauma and I'm stuck with PTSD. These videos are really helping me. I appreciate you.
