Is Twinmotion the BEST Realtime Render Engine in 2022?

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In this video, we talk about some of the moves Twinmotion has made lately and if it can be taken seriously as a contender for the best realtime rendering engine!



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0:00 - Introduction
0:13 - Epic Games/Twinmotion History
0:26 - Competitiveness of Pricing
0:55 - Quixel acquired by Epic Games
1:18 - Quixel Megascans library natively added to Twinmotion
2:01 - Why Twinmotion 2022 is such a big deal
3:08 - How Twinmotion can dominate the marketplace in 2022
5:34 - Learn to use Twinmotion 2022's features
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Hi everyone! Let me know what YOU think about Twinmotion in 2022 in the comments below! :)


As an architecture student, I love twinmotion, it's easy, fast and with work you can deliver great results pretty fast


Twinmotion definitely has a lot of potential. My big wish is they would mimic the live update with sketchup ala enscape and then it would be easy to migrate to that app. It's an added layer of complexity to have to do all the stuff in sketchup then change (like materials and lights) everything in twinmotion which makes it a more complicated workflow loop especially if the model is still being designed.


I got twinmotion in 2020. I'm a long time 3dsmax + vray user and wanted to try realtime. Overall I was really impressed! But what turned me off was the size of files and having to rework all my textures/3d models. I'm gonna give it another try with 2022. With the ability to import qixel models, linking with unreal engine and looks very promising! By the way i'm 100% with you concerning the lack of usable furniture for an architectural render in qixel..


I allowed my Lumion license to lapse because it's just far too expensive for the work volume that I have, so Twinmotion is looking like a very interesting replacement for Lumion.


The grass extending over the edge of geometry is a massive problem for me. I create renderings for parking lots with islands and commercial buildings with grass to sidewalk edges everywhere. Lumion has a really great system for grass, I hope TwinMotion ups their game in this department. Great video!


You're rigth, Twinmotion is in the path of being one of the best rendering programs, it helps alot that epic games is in head of this project


I agree with your suggested improvements, especially the need for a (much) better plant library and getting straight edges with the vegetation paint tool (seems mad they don't have that now)
Also - 2022 does not currently support the new Macs...
AND - I have continuing issues with TM losing changes I have made when I close TM and Sketchup and resync Sketchup with TM


Regards to the vegetation paint, you can actually make the "brush" smaller than 0.9m (0.6m or 0.3m) and it picks an asset automatically that is not bigger than this (the detailed grass).This way you can refine edges, without having to drop new assets in to a different group, and everything stays in the "Vegetation paint layer" - not the best, but workable for now.


I'm currently using Twinmotion for a school project, but the new 2022 trial seems to crash all the time for me with a semi-heavy file, and saving the twinmotion file itself takes ages. I'm sticking to the 2021 for now.


I didn’t know about these new features in the 2022 version. Looks incredible! I had just switched from Twinmotion to Enscape but maybe changing back to Twinmotion could be a possibility


I recently used Twinmotion, Lumion and D5 for the same project to compare and astonished by the superior quality of renderings of TM 2022 preview in comparison with lumion . But animation rendering is toooo slow. Lumion has photo matching, RAL colors, better library and loads skp files without UV errors . D5 has even better renderings than TM, but still too many bugs and lack of futures. Vray too complicated, cosmos in early stages, enscape not so realistic . But great VR. This is my opinion, using all of them for various projects.


I totally agree with everything in here!


Great overview and right tips and wishes for future improvements.
What do you think of IFC format for twinmotion, which is one of the suggestions on the roadmap list?


Hey Justin! What about Chaos Vantage? I couldn’t find many reviews about it but since Chaos is making that it would turn out really good in the future maybe?


I really like twinmotion however I feel the asset library is really lacking. Is there any place where you get get more simple generic assets for general outdoor and indoor furniture? If I had more of these built into the software I think it would be far more useful. Thanks for your time everyone and God bless.


Justin. can you do more videos on Quixel Mixer and importing your own custom materials and making them high resolution PBR?


for some raison twinmotion 22 path-trracing feature doesn't render decales, hope they solve this issue in the next update, never the less i'am very happy with the new features that twinmotion introduced in version 22.


If they would support a Mac version that runs natively on Apple silicon, not translated through Rosetta that would also support path tracing I would go all in. That as well as stability issues/crashing. Any idea when 2022 is being released? Not the preview version


Here's what I would like to see in Twinmotion 2022:
- Coordinate and unit system
- Actual cameras that can be placed in scenes for specific viewpoints.
- Wireframe view
Multi-viewport mode
The freeform nature of Twinmotion should still be a default config, but I really would like to have the option for more precise scene building tools as well.

Also, does anyone know if dual (RTX) GPUs work to double path tracing rendering speed in Twinmotion 2022? or is it limited to one GPU for that?
