Bashar Dreams of Whales

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Dreams of Whales 🐳

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The Five Laws (observable facts)
1. You Exist (you always have, always will)
death is an illusion
2. Everything Is Here & Now
time & space are illusions
3. The One Is All, The All Is One
separation is an illusion
4. What You Put Out Is What You Get Back
physical reality is a mirror
5. Everything Changes Except The First 4 Laws
change is a constant, that never changes
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Thank you so much for this video.

Last night, my higher self suggested I go communicate with the cetaceans. I live 8 minutes from the Ocean, so this is doable. Today, I looked up the best times to see dolphins and was shocked by what I found.

27 days ago, the largest mass stranding of dolphins in US history occurred where I live. I'm surprised no one in my area is talking about it. I'm seeing links from News Stations all over the world discussing it, complete with photos.

This past week, I had been thinking about the Shark I saved when I was little. It asked me for help because it was beached and my mother and I fot it back in the water. I can't help but wonder if this is all connected. I feel like I need to ask the dolphins what's happening??

This video is really helpful in helping me see that it really is possible and important to connect with them. Now I better understand the purpose for this excitement. Thank you so much for this video 🙏🏻


This blew my mind!! I had a dream I was telepathically communicating with a whales, I was in the ocean and needed to swim, there was shark around me. Without saying the words “help” I telepathically asked for help and help came in the form of dolphins and a whale. I telepathically called for help two times. 1st time they helped me and the shark went away and I continued my swim the 2nd time I asked for help, a whale. The whale came up to the top of the water and starred at me locking eyes I felt calm, not afraid it was like I knew what to do and who to call. The locking eyes was powerful this whale reassured me, he was going to help me, and that everything would be ok. So many things to unwrap in my dream but this video answered a couple of questions.


I started crying after about 15 seconds.


She should have asked how big a physical oversoul would be on planet earth?


I started crying after about 15 seconds.
