New World

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People figured this out but in Ready Player One no one tried to go backwards on the racetrack


"I see you're about to kill me, but unfortunately for you, I can shake my window."


Josh Strife Hayes' dissection of the collapse of New World and all its bugs is a wonderful video and worth the 45 mins.


Thor: Uploads
Me: I wonder what the square means today?


I like how Thor talks. He doesn't often address chat as a collective, but as individuals. Anyone watching can feel like its a one on one conversation. Its unique


Don’t forget they made it so Crouching and standing reset all internal cooldowns on buff/debuff application. So you could throw a healing area on the ground and if you tbagged REALLY FAST you would be damn near unkillable from the insanely fast heal being put on over and over


This is actually STILL a thing in Roblox, where if you do that (known as tab glitching in the community) in mid-air, your character will indefinitely float there until the user stops tab glitching.


Honestly, thats hilarious. Broken as hell, but hilarious. Im just imagining a dad coming in pulling the "are you winning _?" only to see their kid wiggling the screen violently and saying "IM WINNINGGGG"


In some games it's a vulnerability. In GTA it is a Tuesday.


The hilarious part of this is that when Amazon made New World, the industry *already knew about stuff like this.* There is a reason why online games almost never let mechanics be authorized by the client. Amazon took all those warnings, said "nah, we got this" and then proceeded to fall face first into cow shit XD


I was there! I was one of the top dogs in my server, we had the second biggest company around and we were defending our ORIGINAL base from the biggest company out there. Manning the top of the wall from the invading forces wasn't enough, we were out leveled, out manned but we had more spirit! We were making a surprisingly good defense until the door caved in and we were breached. Keeping calm I called 3 men off the wall and we ran to defend the main point. Most of the invaders were held up fighting my men on the ground, but one stood apart from the rest. Max level, max gear, and clearly their best fighter. My group from the wall and myself wasn't able to defeat him 4v1, I was doing my best to buff and heal my berserker but it wasn't enough. It took another 2 ranged defenders to take him down. Unfortunately for us, that legend did his job keeping us busy enough for another player to use the technique to remain invincible and take our point, our base, and our homeland. Most of us had our main bases, storage and homes there. The new faction then raised taxes on trades and property to really squeeze us for all our worth... If anyone reading this was in that fight defending the Gentlemen's company homeland, I salute you soldier, I wish I could've lead us to victory that day, might have kept us from dissolving...


I remember this. That game was almost good. Until the pvp modes had a different problem every week for months


3 seconds is a long time in some games.


The pretty pictures and small window dancing helped me understand this


Dear goddess, that was the tamest of the bugs in New World.


Talk about the bug that just allowed you to inject html code into the chat and would force crash everyone else's game.


This was a thing back in Dark Age of Camelot. Unbelievable that the devs repeated this mistake that's about 20 years old.


Wizard101 has a similar glitch where if you grab the window while running, your character model would appear to other players as running forever in the same direction, into the void. Purely a visual glitch, still funny though


This man just gives “I am going to pass this class” vibes. Doesn’t feel like if I tell him after an hour long lecture I didn’t get any of it he’ll yell it me. He’d probably just ask me to start at the beginning of what I didn’t understand and help me to understand then he’d tell me to no be afraid to raise my hand in class next time. I think it’s why he’s so popular besides how smart he is in algorithms and such. He’s straight up a good teacher.


Reminds me of an old FF7 cheat guide. If you started healing, then popped the disc tray open to stop the disc player, you wouldn't stop healing until the tray was closed and the disc started reading again.
