The REAL Seven Deadly Sins- Mark Passio | FUNL 3: The Trivium | Freedom Under Natural Law Conference

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#funl3 #trivium #freedom #naturallaw #markpassio @MarkPassio
Our final speaker is the reason why many of us are gathered at this conference this weekend. Like the strike of a match, Mark Passio is the spark that has ignited the inspiration of a generation to seek out and speak truth. He is an Outspoken Visionary. An exceptional researcher, and a phenomenal teacher.
Mark Passio is an anarchist, independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer, and freedom activist. He is a de-occultist on topics such as: metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness. His body of work includes: the What On Earth Is Happening podcast, the Free Your Mind Conference, the One Great Work Network, multiple seminars, and How To Become The True Media Course. Please give a warm welcome to the founder of What On Earth is Happening, the One Great Work Network, and How to Become the True Media, Our honoured guest, Mark Passio.
This is ” The True 7 Deadly Sins”

Freedom Under Natural Law 3 Is a FREE two-day virtual conference featuring a wide variety of speakers and artists on the topics of Natural Law, First Principles, Self Care, Freedom, Consciousness, and Spirituality.

This conference is designed to help individuals reach a more empowered life and work towards a better future of freedom for all of humanity.

Be sure to follow us on Social Media channels and hit that register button to get on the email list so you will get the latest updates to the event!

We are like-minded truth seekers, freedom activists and content creators who deeply care for the freedom of Humanity and who find meaning in planting seeds of knowledge and wisdom in order to end slavery one mind at a time.
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Research is an interesting word . Re-search, to dig up old stuff


Thank You Mr.Mark
I Appreciate Your Truthfulness in Helping Me understand this Message and in return it will Others in a Positive Manner To truly understand our rights as Sentient Beings of this Universe Maybe finally the Mystery Schools shouldn’t be 🏫 mystery any longer this should be taught to all and given every one a chance to Cleanse the darkness from the Thievery
of life times
Our Birthrights have been taken away Which GOD himself has given to us all in which they are Our Universal Laws to keep those freedoms in place it is our responsibility to Know they and protect them as citizens of our Earth to take them back and live in peace Prosperity and harmony within our logic balanced Hearts Minds and Divine Spirits to evolve as a Christ Consciousness


Thankyou for recording this seperate section on its own video important to get out there


Thank you for turning on the comments on this video


Jealousy is when you have something and you don't want anyone else to have it as with some gods while envy is wanting something someone else has


Thank you for this eye opening teaching. I agree with this teaching. Bible says in Exodus 34:14 KJV for the lord, whose name is Jealous, Exodus 20:5 for I the lord thy God am a jealous God. Deut. 3:26 KJV But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me.


[Thank you for sharing this great work 🙏 just some feedback regarding why 0% of people in the social experiment couldn't define a right: the way that the question is worded, the grammar, can lead to confusion. When grammar is full of adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns (modifiers) it is open to subjective interpretation, and questions can be even more confusing when context isn't given. The first thought that came to mind when thinking of the question, what is a human right? Most would probably answer something along the lines of "a right is something that can't be given or taken, it is inherent to our nature" versus asking what is a right in the context of right versus wrong. When correct parse syntax grammar is not used, subjective interpretation takes over. This is a major contributor to the mind virus that afflicts most humans right now. If we can can start using correct sentence structure communication parse syntax grammar, and teach people how to correctly state claims/facts then thinking can be put on trial and people can take better accountability for their lives. Quantum grammar would bring the entire Natural Law community and education to the next level and help people free themselves more efficiently. It would bring symmetry and harmony to this venue.]


29:46 what if you’re gluttonous and you get so ill that another person has to take care of you? Would that be considered a sin? I think so


Free peoples movement give a scandinavian perspective on what is going on, big picture


[Harming oneself via vices does cause harm to others because it interrupts the flow of life and health through one's psyche, and that does affect the collective psyche. It also affects one's electromagnetic field, thus affecting the land, environment, and other beings around the one that is causing self harm. Native cultures are deeply aware of this. As within, as without. Negative internal emotions that are held onto as vices does cause harm to others on a psychic and psychological level. Just because one doesn't act on these vices does not mean others aren't affected psychically, psychologically, and electromagnetically.]


No one ever bothered to look up what the word "GOD" actually means. It isn't what most people think. Not at all. Interesting and highly revealing fact: The word "GOD" (also spelled "Gaud") literally means a deceptive artifice i.e. SIMULATION. "Gaud" also means a "trick, JEST, prank, fraud" or "DECEPTION." Both the word "dream" and "illusion" have a very similar meaning and etymology as well. A couple of highly relevant passages from the NHL elucidating the trickster-like nature of the force that runs this place: "Yaldabaoth had a multitude of faces, so that he could put a face before them all, according to his desire.."--Secret Book of John//"They alienate with simulations and appearances; they make a free person into a slave."--Gospel of Philip


What about harm being done to yourself ?


Mandated procedures tick about 6 out of the 7 real sins.


How about moral obligations?

Where are your subjective moral oblegation,

Use the trivium and understand that you are living reactivly not proactively.

What do you think of this rhetoric?


The Laws of Cause and Effect does not take into consideration Intension.

Gods Law Does.

Sin has nothing to do with Karma.

Sin is Gods Rules.
Homosexuality, Sleeping around, Usury, these nuanced issues need scripture to make clear.


How do you know moral relativism is not true? I think most people have different ideas of right and wrong, and have different definitions of harm in thier minds and some choose to abide by thier own conception of right and wrong to different degrees. How is harm objective? Some people might think the end of all humans to be the greatest moral act because we are destroying nature. However most people would think thats a very crazy idea because of the common ideas of what is moral in society. It varies from person to person. That does not excuse anyone to do commonly agreed upon harm and do whatever they want within thier definition of morality. There is a seperation. How is this not true? I am not here to attack or anything i literally want to hear your opinion


What’s really funny is that you are well spoken in academic setting with an audience. The couple I have watched were insightful to those that need it. Now where you fall off a cliff is when you go off on a rant and berating the audience you come off as a narcissistic prick and lose the audience.

I do find it interesting also that you are quoting the New Testament as the precepts to counterintelligence.

Now your presentation style is actually elevating it by calling it style. I don’t embrace the suck and you suck as a speaker.

There are many more outlets with better delivery that don’t have to make excuses for their dynamic. To get buy in from the audience using a minimum level of charisma would help your audience retention.

This is actually the only video I have seen that you weren’t giving at a university that I could tolerate any amount of exposure to.

I will like to say that the reason we are living in conflict and I won’t say tyranny, that also is overstating the authority of the self proclaimed rulers of mankind have the ability to continue with zero reaction from the people which is obviously not true because if people were accepting then we would not be discussing this.

You are looking at the end of empires and exactly for the reason they they believe they have that level of control. In the end it will get them murdered by the people and if the people have been starved by them likely eaten.

So, the problem is that the established powers don’t understand and can’t differentiate between Natural Law and Man’s Law and why Man’s law was written to mirror it.

Because not respecting it as their ancestors did before them they take the most efficient route regardless what natural laws they violate and they do get away with it…….until people uprise and over through governments.

In every nation where a political or physical overthrow has taken place it has 💯% of the time violated natural law.

I would not be making suggestions on how to manipulate natural law so that some commit egregious acts, and having others pay the consequence.

This is where the train jumped off the tracks. For a long time that’s exactly wha they have done.

As above so below. The same methods that the religious authorities exorcise demons is the exact method to cut out the cancer. They are very well aware that in order for Justice to take place you the aggrieved has to know who has committed the act against them.

What is the first goal of any exorcist? He must know the name of the demon. Today unlike in the past the demon’s name is know

Isaiah 5:20 states:

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Satan and his agents have thousands of names. But today unlike in past campaigns the true name of Satan is known. His name is Rothschild. So now call your wars and release your bio-weapons. The purveyors will be drug into the streets and murdered in front of the masses and the deed will be done by the masses.

The creator of this world has a laser focus on what they are doing as we speak. They were given the notice by messenger, this time now is their opportunity to confess and repent, not to their priests, to the people they have trespassed against.

The problem is that the ruling class believe these laws only apply to the servants. This is not the first reset of this planet, and the lessons should be well known at this point. No excuses!!!

Let’s talk rape now, the sons of Esau raped the sons of Jacob tryin to wash their curse. This was were the concept of rape came from and it was the first time in the history of man where rape was committed.

I am sure the purveyors didn’t know I know this. It should serve to prove to them who sent me. There is a real God and he will be upon us soon despite he disbelief. God is not a creation of man, the names and religions based on the divine energy and are man’a creation, the entity that created man is also not a construct in the minds of men.


and what about sex with kids? can kids consent? some people will say that they can and they factually can but is it immoral if it's not rape but consensual? you see Mark you left some blank spaces and pedos will take advantage. I have to watch your podcast to see if you mentioned them. age of consent should be indeed 18 at least, we are stuck in lust so much and nobody sees it. we degenerated .


he didn't explain if suicide is a right or not. Homosexuality is like suicide then. it's within one owns rights but it shouldn't be done.
