When life is falling APART! This is what is happening in your MANIFESTATION!

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We’re always manifesting, Things to Remember When Your Life is Falling Apart!
The question is: are we manifesting our dreams or our fears?
It can be hard to tell, at times. Especially when the reality of manifesting can look very different from what we envisioned in our minds.

Many of us think the law of attraction is a smooth ride. And why wouldn’t it be?
When we feel that we’re in alignment with the universe, that we have our spiritual practices down pat and that we’re radiating positivity, we can’t help but expect great things to come to us in that flow. But, when it comes to manifesting, you may want to buckle up because you’re about to be in for a bumpy ride.

Here are the signs to look out for to (hopefully) get you through the challenging parts of manifesting through law of attraction.
Nothing is going right! Everything is falling apart — or it feels that way, at least.
When you’ve been putting in the work to manifest your goal, it’s hard not to get discouraged when life starts going wrong. This is where many people fall short. They give up the moment the road becomes challenging. Perseverance will pay off.
The universe tends to reward those who persevere through the good times and the bad because
You’re being tested. The universe is asking, “are you sure this is what you really want?” Law of attraction takes work — despite the popular belief that your dreams will simply fall into your lap if you wish hard enough— so your actions must be in alignment with what you’re trying to achieve. Your manifestation isn’t going to randomly knock on your door one day, so be prepared to work hard in order to score big.

Have patience, your manifestation could be closer than you think. So push through those challenges and keep going.



👻 MY HOME DECOR YouTube channel /RunwayDoneMyWay

#manifesting #howtomanifest #MANIFESATION
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my soul feels the change, but my mind in in a panicked state. It is hard to see past the disappointments that I am so used to having. Things don't work out for me like they do for others, but I am trying to be more positive.


Just went through it over the last year and manifested my condo in Costa Rica, I scripted it for got about it. Every thing shifted sold my house, shop, moved, semi retired it was a sh#t show process. it truly awakened me, I am super grateful. be grateful even when the Sh#t show starts plow through with positive affirmations. Great Vid bang on, Your awesome !


Thank you Angela. 🙏🏼✨💗 I’ve just gone through the biggest Dark Night of the Soul in my life. It has been very challenging lately. I used to be very good at manifesting, but I have not been able to manifest lately. Today I went for a long walk along the sea here in Sweden. I feel hopeful today, because I know deep inside that everything is possible when you really believe in it and feel it in your heart. 💖


I'm hoping. My life fell apart two weeks ago . And I've been planning big things for two years. Now I'm broke.


(Disclamer sorry for venting and bad english as i'm in the bad place in life and i'm also not native) When you said, ,bad Day, bad week, bad month..." for me it is not a joke... i literały have something like bad month... or by now it wuld be like bad 2 months... well in short everytjing i build for literally last 10 years of my life is literally falling apart and my entiere life is becoming hell... and i didn't even tried manifesting anything as i was happy with what i've had


Im pretty messed up right now everyone is against me but faking interaction with me and im sick of it. All i have to do now is to have faith that it will be okay for me someday 😢


After 7 years of falling apart. Now sick and I’m left only left months to live. I don’t believe in manifestation anymore. Bs


I just lost the opportunity to go to college… I lost my friends, my dreams, my independence and everything I was hoping for. Are you freaking kidding me your video is so insensitive…. My whole life literally fell apart this isn’t some joke


Loved this Angela! It clicked for me when you said it will only happen once you’re aligned with it. Also, obsessed with your cardigan, where did you get it!? I think that I am scared to go through the hell part so I stay in my comfort zone. Like I’m scared of the bad things that could happen. My brain is trying to protect me from the hurt feelings I might get in the short term but long term I’m staying stuck! Ugh! But for real, I started typing bc I really wanted to know where your cardigan is from and I think I just pinpointed my issue. Amazing, thank you!!! 🤣🥰
