An ABSOLUTE BEGINNER'S Guide to Hypixel Bedwars!

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#minemenclub #minecraft #hypixel
#hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #trainerdario

In this video I share three essential tips that can assist you in winning more Bedwars games. The final tip, which is often overlooked in many existing guides, is, in my opinion, the MOST CRUCIAL for beginners and can actually help the most.

This video was made for absolute beginners and is not intended for experienced players, however, if you're here and want to support my videos by watching all the way through that would be awesome!

I also have lots of video ideas on the way and would be super happy to have you be a part of my channel as it grows and evolves, so consider subscribing!

Thanks for watching my first video :)

Send this to a Minecraft Bedwars noob

Ignore this: how to get better at bedwars, how to play bedwars in minecraft, hypixel bedwars, how to get good at bedwars, how to play bedwars, how to be good at bedwars, bedwars guide, bedwars tutorial, TrainerDario, Hypixel, Minemen Club, Hypixel IP, How to Play Hypixel Bedwars
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Wow, looking back on my first video there’s so much I would change lol. I wonder what I will think of my current videos a few months from now 🤔

Edit on Dec 20th 2023: Looking at this video now I laugh my ass off about how I basically wrote an essay and made it into a video instead of making it entertaining lol. I guess we all start somewhere, and at least I was using my degree for something


this is a pretty good video for your first! editings niceee


Very good first vid
Good mic quality
Good voice
Nice editing
Good quality


Bro is a genius. I think TrainerDario is going to help me a lot. This is so good, i can't believe this is his first video!


I am a pretty experienced bedwars player and I know those tips but I think they are very good for beginners! Btw love ur shorts trainer ❤


Tysm!!! You earned my subscription :) and ill trust your advices and tips concerning this game :))


A few things I would like to say is the main goal isn't to break others beds and eliminate them, it is to win the game. This means after you take out your first rush, go to mid and get emeralds. Also get diamonds as diamonds are the difference between winning and losing games a lot of the time. I personally have an aggressive playstyle though, so I do rush teams most of the time as I think just getting stacked is pretty cringe, but it is a way to win. Even with me being aggressive, if you ever lose your bed, don't fight other teams. Get stacked, wait for the other teams to kill each other, and then win with the gear you have. Also, buy prot + trap vs. sharp is completely preference so don't tell people what to buy in that scenario. In my opinion, sharp is better, but as you stated, you though prot and trap were better. This proves that is very opinion based and there is no right or wrong answer. Finally, obsidian is something that is good in every gamemode, except for solos. This is because if they have a diamond pickaxe and they kill you, they'll break the obsidian by the time you respawn making it effectively pointless. In modes where you have a teamate though, if you die, your teamates will stall enough for you to respawn make the bed basically impossible to break. Overall, it was a good video I was just pointing out things that I thought would make the video better and if you were to make a part 2, you should add those things. <3


Yo ain’t no way this was ur first vid- props to you man, the quality and everything was amazing.


Thus an amazing youtuber was beginning


You gained a new sub! I went from a newbie to a legit pro!


I love how someone's tower is being obliterated by tnt with Mario galaxy music


Thank you for sharing that video with me


This is such a high quality video and he has such a natural talent for commentating and video production. This is my first time watching him and I didn’t believe him when he said it was his first video😂 he’s a legend


TY for the hints and for the client recommendation before i was using sklaucher wich is pretty good too tbh and also i got much better with your hints i thank you much


Hmmm am I watching Dario's old videos? Yes, yes I am, and it is still fire 🔥


I didn’t know this was his first lmao. This video is epic


bro you have got confidence and skills to make this video even as 1st video


How did you get those old textures? they look cool


Such good editing for a first vid? How


I really like you video and i also subscribed to you, but i wanna ask you what pack are you using? cuz it looks so nice and smooth! Keep up the work king!
