Grounded: Best Base Locations (Updated for 1.0 Full Release)

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In this video I share where I recommend building bases in Grounded including two great spots for starter bases.

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#GroundedBestBaseLocations #GroundedBestBuildingSpots #groundedupdate

Grounded Gameplay of the new Grounded Update by Mediocre Milton but not with Sir Sim-Alot or JADECRAFT, there's also no Blitz Grounded or Jade PG, oh and no ImCade or Fynnpire either, Obsidian Entertainment made the Grounded New Update!
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Another nice point about the lily pads is tadpoles are one of the most plentiful food sources. Water fleas can also be eaten raw and they give both hunger and thirst replenishment.


I've been building on the oak tree itself. There's a spot by the Beacon that's great to start your stairs at and you can build actually really high and around the entire tree to reach all sides with ziplines to and from. Only issue you may have is raids by flying creatures, but they tend to not do much when you get higher tier building materials


I have built several bases. My main base and hub is baseball. Have now distributed 12 bases on the whole map. Sandbox, on the pond, in front of the hedge, etc. They are all in places where no enemies can get. I connected all the bases with spider silk. No more walking to the next base :D


Be careful about building on the lillypads. It can completely brick faction raids. If you're into farming bug parts with the waft emitter, it can spawn bugs on the other side of pond which you may not even of built over there.


The lily pad site has been my favorite main base pretty much all along, start on the near pads then expand into a floating palace. Baseball and hedge ascent end up being farming bases, the ball for haze fungus and red ant eggs, and the hedge for berries and spider silk. The hose coil used to be a good site, but it got patch-nerfed, I'm still trying to figure out a good spot in that area, especially if 1.0 makes under the porch accesible. I don't usually use the big rock on the retaining wall, there's a better if smaller spot on the stones further north, where there's that one with the hollow under and the twig ascent to the one next to it, best upper yard site I've found. The best of the bad lot in the sandbox I reckon is actually behind the oasis, where the sand climbs the side, you can get a decent setup under the overhang and nothing seems to go back there. I usually don't build on or under the table, rarely more than a small camp & cache in the pagoda despite the tempation of that large safe space, don't usually build closer to the Space-R than the ball, never tried the Battletoad island, might make a good hunting lodge. I though of a few you overlooked: I usually build at least a cache on the mushroom shelf at the exit from the hedge lab. In the exposed pipe where the maze key is, it's a Pain getting the foundation just so, but you can get an untouchable if cramped hideout in there once you do, and it's the closest good spot to the shovel. The log with the hatchet and field station on top is a good base camp for raiding the wood pile. That mesa with the rock and big leaf north of the Space-R loses it's value as a camp site beyond the early game, but is a great spot for a wafter deathtrap later on. Gonna have to spend much time next week finding new good spots in the final release.


Honestly, weevil sounds for me always is a huge plus! Never fail to make smile, those little buggers!


Video idea.. advanced building locations and farming locations (weed stem farm, mushroom farm, etc) I feel like this video targets newer inexperienced players, which is great. However, most grounded videos do. Players that have been roaming around the yard since release probably don’t care about safety or proximity to recourses when choosing a base location. For example, no matter where I choose to build, my weed stems are collected and transported from the sandbox/picnic table area. My mushrooms are farmed from my 200 slot garden, crude rope grinded out from weed stems, etc. It can feel like a lot of work, but when you maximize the output it feels a little less grindy. And I’ve looked man.. I can’t find an advanced farm location video anywhere.. maybe I’m blind. But these are things I’ve learned for myself over the past 2 years playing grounded. A video showcasing the best locations to maximize farming would be well received I’d say.


I’m just starting out in the game after watching Mark, Bob and Wade play through some of it in some old videos. The best location I’ve discovered so far is the baseball for housing. Very few spider attacks and many weevils and mushrooms. Plus I’ve been building with stalks, weed stems, clovers, dry grass, crude fibers, etc and it’s all situated near me. Plus a field station isn’t far and the haze has good resources as well. It is a bit far from other things though and occasionally a wolf spider patrols and a small group of orb weaver jrs come over for revenge for something I didn’t do😂 You can build outward and upward off of the ball for more space too and just install staircases to get up with surrounding walls and fences with gates for added layers or defense and protection since the building materials do offer less strength and defense than others.


The juice box near the oak lab only sucks at night but otherwise the only thing that is a little walk away is weeds.
Besides that, aphids and tadpoles are a hop away and the juice box gives you plenty of water.
And if you hate enemy raids, just build a bridge to your base so you can pick em off.


Friend and I built our base at the first field station, using the rocks as a foundation for height. A few ant raids but nothing we can’t handle so far.


the best part about the lily pads used to be that, if the spiders did hop over. 9 times out of 10, they missed the lilypads and drowned... free spider loot. (1.0 update made it so that loot is water damaged so it doesn't work anymore :( but i still really like the lilypad bases)


I think out of all of these spots, the lily pads are best for building something massive on the water. In terms of recourses, I think the baseball is the best location.


Nice video! The rock at 4:40 is where my base is. Relatively safe, easy access to ants and orb weavers, oak tree nearby, and a central location.


(4:04) Where the giant rock is, I built a base right next to it like yesterday under a log and its pretty good, I blocked off the gaps in the logs to stop Orb Weavers from getting near my base and I use the rock to boss all bugs that get in my way, anyways good base suggestion if I ever make a new game for fun I could try the rock, anyways good video!


I built my starter base on the baseball and then never actually moved bases since in the shroom and doom update, around the time I played most, it was in the center of practically every resource… so now I’ve got basically a village around the baseball


I haven't played in FOREVER. I had a huge Mayan temple/step pyramid built on the flat rock, a 4 or 5 story "Wizard's" tower on the bird bath, and base spanning the fence near the pond. I also had catwalks spanning across huge sections of the map. I'm afraid a lot of my building techniques may not work anymore though. They may have slightly defied physics.


I think the best place is around the solar lamp by the oak lab, Gnats fly to your base every night and they are a great food source. The only drawback is the spider coming out every night but I never got killed by it and later on I started farming this spider.


Personally I’ve been making my base on the Light post over by the Oak Tree. It’s really good location-wise and the 3 Wolf Spiders can’t reach you. Plus you can make it as a Zipline Hub for that part of the Yard, reaching the Hedge and Haze with a two way connection to the Upper Yard.


5:15 I’ve been building my main base on top of that soda can since day 1. It has gotten a bit more dangerous when they added the wolf spider’s could jump but I haven’t had too much trouble. Just crouch and stay out of site and you should be fine. And faction raid’s are non existent. But I like the build a few base’s around the map just to have a place to sleep/store things while exploring a certain section of the backyard. Can’t wait for 1.0!!!


There's a root directly behind the oaktree on the pond that I love to build on. It's a bit resource intensive to make scaffold to expand it, but it overlooks the pond, tons of sap catcher spots, and you can expand out onto the water after you get buoyant foundations. I'm also a big fan of the raised landing in the Mysterious Machine area - it has footprints in it, and you can just clear out some of the grass and have a nice chunk of land to build on. When Wolf spiders DO patrol the area, they tend to avoid that chunk of the Mysterious Machine.
