Detective's Bi-Polar Daughter Overdoses on Hard Drugs | Law & Order SVU

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Detective Stabler’s Daughter is in trouble with the law, causing the detective to take a deep dive into his past.

Season 10, Episode 3 'Swing': A young woman is found trespassing in a family's home, and Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) is called in to catch the intruder. The trespasser's wallet leads Stabler to a surprising suspect--his daughter, Kathleen Stabler (guest star Allison Siko). Detective Stabler is shocked to find his daughter has fallen in love with the kind of crowd he spends his days condemning. With his family life at stake, Stabler must decide how far he will go to save Kathleen, even turning to his estranged mother, Bernadette Stabler (guest star Ellen Burstyn), for help.

Show Synopsis: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. From Emmy-winning creator Dick Wolf, with its groundbreaking "ripped-from-the-headlines" format, comes the highly-acclaimed, longest-running crime series in television history.

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Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Law & Order. Watch all of the official clips from the series, some of the best moments from within the criminal justice system, where the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.
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Elliot growing up with a bi-polar mother and a stricted father must have been tough on him and his siblings. When Kathleen was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, it caused the childhood memories with his mother to flood back.


Elliot’s mother truly killed me. She tried to forget what happened in the past. Her acting like a child at the beach made me cry.


As a psych major, I really appreciate how well and accurate this episode represented bipolar disorder. It’s one of the hardest mental illnesses to treat.


This is such a goodrepresentation of severe bipolar. My cousin, who I adore, has been in jail numerous times for his loss of control of his mania and depression. My grandfather had it as well and was delusional at one point. I have borderline personality disorder so I didn’t escape the family curse, but definitely shook it up a bit 😅


Bipolar is one of the hardest psych conditions to treat. It’s awful to see how people suffer with it. You want to help so much but its almost impossible.


“Grandma, do you think I’m crazy?”

I hate that question with a passion cause of how hard it hits. And it HITS HARD. Almost hits home.


My mother was a bipolar schizophrenic. This episode doesn’t deal with schizophrenia but God does this episode hit home for me. Even all these years later, I still recall this episode the most.


It horrible when you think your brain won't cause problems, but then without realising it, it does something that your unaware of.


As someone who is bipolar and is now medicated, the resemblance and acting in this episode hit the nail on the head


It's such a terrifying thing to imagine, being way up or way down with no solid middle ground. I don't think I'd have the fortitude to life like that.


Stabler calling the "suspect" a whack job until he finds out it's his own daughter. 🤣Then he tries to play it off with the parents saying "it's just a college kid behaving badly".🙄The nut doesn't fall far from the tree it seems. 😜


"She wants to lock me up!" >:(
"No, *they* do."
"Fine." :)


Even as someone unable to relate to bipolar disorder, this episode is so compelling to watch, and seeing all the people talk about how accurately it portrays the disorder makes me even happier to call this one of my favorite episodes of the show’s history despite the unusual format!


Ellen Burstyn is such a great actress.


This episode has always been a favorite of . Chris Meloni gives one of his best performances of the whole series as Elliot and there are two great guest performances:. Allison Siko's finest hour as daughter Kathleen, and stellar Emmy winning work by the great Ellen Bursty.n as Elliot's mom Bernie !!!


Elliott mother is bio polar, so his daughter had the same it's in her DNA. Really sad 😔


My only quip about this is that the defense lawyer for Kathleen said BPD when referring to Bipolar. Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder are two completely different disorders. The biggest difference being that BPD is a personality disorder (hence the name), and Bipolar is a mood disorder. One often gets misdiagnosed as the other due to overlapping symptoms, but it's so important to distinguish between the two.


"Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot"


My mom is an addict and bipolar it was fucking rough growing up raising my brother and having to take care of her. She tried killing herself twice. I figured it out by the second time and got her on medication. Shes ten years sober and doing so great now. I tell her how proud of her I am of her all the time!


The acting of these two women is magnificent
