Why Rushing Is Becoming So Popular Now In Clash of Clans

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Why Rushing Is Becoming So Popular Now In Clash of Clans
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I love rushers. I always 3 star them and as an added bonus they keep the game free for me. I'm a max th 16 and its cool crushing newbies/rushers. Clash On!


It's really much simpler than that... If you're going to get 3 starred easily anyway, might as well be able to 3 star them back.


rushing is okay, but the real fun begins when you start fixing that rush. The thrill is real


Can't believe the most important aspect of all didn't get mentioned: Getting the maximum amount of value from books and hammers.


I just go up a th lvl when one resource loses all places to dump it... usually elixir so far


probably because all the cool new stuff is at higher town halls, everything at lower town halls is very basic and people like new shiny toys to play with


Rushing is accepted, because we have to accept these rushed bastards in our clans if we want to keep up with the clan capital and the clan games, I mean have active players.


Hi, Strategic Rusher here, I quit about 5 years after almost maxing TH12, came back because Srushing made the game interesting again. After 5 months, Im like a week or two away from TH16. And for all the haters out there, I finished this most recent season with 5596 trophies lol. The video talked about two methods of rushing that'll kill your base, with a teeny tiny mention of smart rushing. At the end of the day, its a way to play the game, just one that lets you 3 star Max TH16s.


I played traditionally for quite a while, maxing most town halls up to th13 but then wanted to have a maxed account, so I rushed and when I got to th15 I started getting bored and realized that traditional maxing each town hall is what I find fun so I decided to stop.


I've found rushing in small bounds is best. First rush to th7, then upgrade everything else, then rush to th12 and upgrade everything else. After 12 I wouldn't recommend rushing, unless you want to get crushed in multiplayer and clan wars.


More people are realizing that strategic rushing is just objectively better than maxing


I quit Clash of Clans a year ago. I reached legend League as a max TH11 and that was my goal with the game for me getting maxed as a free to play player seemed almost impossible, unless I no life the game.


I only upgrade troops and hero because attacking is more fun than defending the base😊


As a player who has gone pretty much through every th in the game f2p I also have a rushed account but it's easier when you already have the skill and mastered multiple attacks


apparently people cant rush to th17 as it requires the player to merge all archer towers and cannons


I find a unique way to enjoy the game. By enjoying almost every major town halls and mastering each one. I have 6 accounts. A max TH 9, TH 10, TH 11 and TH 12 that I intend to maintain without upgrading them further. These 4 accounts already give my clan advantage during war as I mastered these townhalls by finding the maxed best troops for each of them. This also allows me deeper appreciation of the game by enjoying each townhalls longer. The last 2 accounts are a max TH 13 and maxed TH 14 going to 15. My ultimate goal is to have a maxed TH for each TH level so I can enjoy all of these TH levels or steps repeatedly as I wish since there is no way to replay these lower THs when you're maxed with one account.


I got to titan league w/ TH11 w/o rushing AND for the sole purpose of getting more star bonus loot to upgrade things to avoid rushing.

I could say that it does get hard to attack but if you get 50% on attacks while focusing on loot, and using all those 'lootable' resources (where other players can get from you on attacks) on upgrades before logging of, then you wouldn't really get attacked that much.

Point is, I think rushing and not rushing has its benefits, on the 'rushing' side is from this video, and on the 'not rushing' side is experiencing the actual process intended, or "having fun" w/o reaching the end too quickly

Thats what I think I guess :>


While idc about rushing for people who have alt accounts, I do think a new player just skips past everything will get much less out of the game.

There is something really fun about learning a new attack strategy for your town hall. Especially once you reach TH7. At that point, each town hall has entire metas.


Rushers benefit both sides.. even though i dont do it.. I see it as a positive way to play the game.


Most of the defenses like archer towers, cannons, wizard towers, mortars and especially walls dont really make much of a difference at higher levels. Its easy to see why someone might rush to th16 then just max everything they want first and then do everything else later
