🌧️ Aesthetic jaw v2 💧

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This Subliminal is a more stronger/enhanced version of my previous deleted 'Aesthetic Jaw' sub, where i told about the imp of jaw angles and width and the shape of jaw muscles, the position and size of masseter muscles, the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles and the thickness of the corpus mandibulae that connect to the ramus ( that's what gives you that aesthetic, wider, angular jaw from front ).

most of the jaw subs on yt don't work or gives results because the real issue is not targeted and most sub makers just focus on forward growth and burning fat from jaw and buccal pad area etc

A narrow, unaesthetic jaw with rounded jaw angles is often result of posterior mandibular hypoplasia that is expressed by a sever lack of posterior lateral growth of corpus mandibulae.

This subliminal also contain a mini bite/teeth combo ( everyone who want to improve their jaw or over all lower third, make sure you have a good bite other wise you are just wasting your time with facial beauty subs ).

This sub is a small portion from my 'Legendary Lower Third' sub which i am personally using that sub also includes perfect ratios, bone projections, size, structure etc and gave me life changing results even i've been accused by my family/friends that i've gotten fillers as my lower third was my weak feature before also i've combined many things with that sub which i'll tell you later

but don't underestimate this sub either, this sub will give you the solid base everyone needs to have that slayer lower third so after using it for a significant amount of time you will get instant results from my legendary lower third sub when i am going to release that

here is the general summary of ideal jaw angles from previous subs :

- 120° in face profile view
- intergonial width = facial width
- vertical position of jaw in frontal view at the oral commissure
- jaw slope in frontal view is nearly parallel ( with a 15° downward deviation from ) the line extending from the lateral canthus to the alare
- ascending ramus slope 65° to the frankfort horizontal
- curvature in oblique view visible from earlobe to chin

some additional benefits :

- wider mouth palates + fix teeth crowding and perfect teeth spacing
- upper teeth line perfectly show when you smile + 10 teeth smile
- attractive, wide, mesmerizing, hypnotizing, spell binding smile
- naturally and always breath through your nose
- perfect body and neck posture
- straight, healthier, whiter and stronger teeth
- maxilla and mandible are perfectly aligned to give you healthy bite and normal occlusion
- fix, heal, free from overbite, under bite, cross bite, open bite, deep bite etc + gain immunity to them
- wider U shaped dental arches
- incisors are slightly proclined
- perfect attractive and healthy teeth size, width and proportions
- wide nasal airway
- tounge tie removal ( but if you have sever tounge tie then go for surgery )
- pink, healthy gums and healthy oral cavity
- removal of plaque, tartar and stains from teeth
- regenerate teeth enamel
- immune to teeth decay and cavities
- strong and symmetrical mastication muscles which are masseter, temporal and pterygoid ( overtime this will grow your face in a proper structure, proper under eye/orbital support, properly aligned jaws, unblocked and large airways of nose and throat )

to get extremely fast results from this subliminal do this :

- practice good posture nearly almost everyone have bad posture and posture is the key for attractiveness ( height, frame, and dentofacial development ).

- correct your diet ( almost all of our ancestors had perfectly straight teeth while over the last 10,000 our genes have not changed at all but our ancestors got malocclusion whenever they get industrialized, the environment does have a influence on your teeth position, size etc
As we chew less and eat more softer foods after agriculture revolution our jaws were not being worked enough and then we started to face all those problems like dental crowing, tooth decay, malocclusions and impacted molars
Carbs are the main reason for tooth decay even today, they trigger bacteria to release acid which then attack the enamel in the mouth,
Our meat eating ancestors have little to no tooth decay as animal meat contain little to no carbs but solely protein, fats, minerals and vitamins, the mainstream media wont tell you this but you can cut off carbs completely and you wont have to brush your teeth
- sleep without pillows
- keep proper tounge posture and avoid mouth breathing at all cost ( make sure you don't mouth breath in night )
- fix your allergies if you have it
- correct swallowing of foods and liquids
- chew more chewy and hard foods, chew more with your front teeth ( which now we often use less )
- brushing, flossing and oil pulling
- get professional deep teeth cleansing once in a year
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Quick update: My jaw positioning has improved visibility, I lost some fat in the face as well - I didn’t change my nutrition or increase the training routine, the only reason that occurs to me is this sub.
Listening time - 45 min - 1 hr, when I can.

Greek embodiment: I look very defined - especially my legs, my fallen aches condition is improving, probably It’s just my impression but my legs not only are changing the shape, they seem longer as well relative to my upper body.
Traps popping out nicely, my bicep increased by 1 cm, the triceps is getting bigger and more importantly the right insertions are becoming visible (triceps has always been my weak point). My back increased in size, the insertions are really becoming more potent and visible, the abs exercises are showing the double of the results since I’m using this sub, my core became so strong and the V-cut (Adonis belt) is starting to show up - still a long way to go, my body fat percentage is at 14, 5%, I want to achieve 10% without feeling like shit). Last but not least, the chest is getting such a aesthetic shape - perfectly round, full, wider, overall I’m really satisfied with the results. A final conclusion concerning my results: The significance of the subs is pretty obvious, but I train consistently and hard, my nutrition is balanced (no junk, generally speaking - very healthy), thus i keep obtaining these results, and progressing gradually.

Listening time: 1 hr

Big thanks to Rafay for the subs!
Can’t wait for the upcoming subs 🔥
Maybe you‘re going to offer the raw files as well at some point, I wouldn’t mind to give you a well deserved donation, besides the custom I’m definitely gonna ask you about after seeing the upcoming dimes you‘re about to drop - don‘t wanna cover something you already did lol.

Keep leveling up, everyone 💪


Excellent, my jaw has getting more defined and balanced. Looking forward to the lower third sub.


I'm so glad you guys settled the beef. As i said before, all of you are the best at what you do. Hopefully unity can commence and we all get to enjoy the benefits of these subliminals. Also thank you for posting the calm version. I cannot wait for the dark traid, masculine pretty boy, beyond gigachad and the striking exotic look. If i had to choose i'd want the striking exotic look to be released first. But you are the architect of these legendary male beauty subs. It will take the community by storm. Hopefully it will be released before the summer. We will always support you!


This is the best jaw subliminal of all time please upload the legendary lower third sub I need my chin to project more still this sub gives the angular and perfect ramus lower third width and height


listening to this since it released 20 mins per day and my jaw has improved alot


Update 2: The Gonial Angle has improved. Before it was in the 130-135 Degree which gave me a very weak jaw. Now the gonial angle is around 120-125 Degrees, which makes my jaw looks strong and defined.


My jawline is getting much more defined. The masseter muscle is visible. My jawline has never been so apparent from the side angle. I've been looping this for hours through out the day.

The dark traid face is gonna be something special. Very excited!


hello rafay I come to comment that it works very, very well. The difference in these 3 days using it is a lot, my jaw looks nice and defined, the double chin is no longer visible and I am exercising to fix my mouth breathing, really people, this audio works too well and that English is not my main language and I speak it at an A2 level. I have already verified that your audios are very functional and that is why I am looking forward to the new version of height increase


Used this overnight. My jaw looks so much more protruded. I don’t even have to clench my chin for it to look chiseled right now. Sergio was not wrong when he said your stuff works rapidly. This is awesome


more people need to show luv to these older subs of yours - added this to the stack recently n i'm seein vast improvements in the balance / shape of my jaw ^ appreciate you n your creations as always bro


Thank you Rafay for posting this calm version, already started seeing results from the original version.


The Legendary lower third sub will be a game changer fr


Dang! Im loving this sub. Finally my malocclusion issues finna be corrected.
Kudos to our guy Rafay. The man really knows what he does.


Thank you, champ, for posting this calm version and being one of the bests in the game


Keep up the stellar work, you are making us proud


I don't know why but I've come to realize how great a sub this truly is. Safe to say I'm using it longterm no question. Thank you for what you do rafay


Just a day is what it took for me to get a considerable improvement in my jaw.
My jaw wasn't bad to start with and a major improvement regardless means a lott


Brother this one has been amazing.💣 Pairing this with your old dark triad eyes and golden ratio sub is amazing, I get complimments wherever I go, my face looks very wonderful on camera also. I'm seeing that you are an aspiring maxillofacial surgeon? That's impressive. I'm a dentist student btw, your knowledge amazed me at first by the anatomical affs that you put on them. Can't wait to work with you in the near future as well haha, stay safe man!💯💥


Iam using this for 2 months now.

The lower third sub would be great if you release it 💯💯💯


Rayfay I love reading what you type. Finally someone in the sub community with well known knowledge about looks.
You remind me of maxillofacial surgeons I met in my college internship. I'd talk with them for hours. This stuff fascinates me, good to see there's someone like this making subs.
We need more people like you!

I'm in the situation you were in before you created your own subs.
Please talk more what differentiates it from others. Like what does this sub do in detail
Also will this improve chin height? I have good facial growth but need better chin height
Bro use community tab, I'd love to read about everything you type
