#27 Rxjava - Do/Action Operators

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These are nothing but operators, but we call them "do" or "action" operators respectively.

⤵ Operators Covered
➡ doOnSubscribe
➡ doOnNext
➡ doOnComplete

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This video episode is a part of an ongoing RxJava tutorial series called RxJavaAllInOne.
👇🏾 You can find the playlist from here:

If you want to know more about doOnError watch
Previous Video 👇🏾
#26 Error Handling Operators - Retry - Part 2

Next Video 👇🏾
#28 RxJava - Operators - doFinally vs doOnDispose

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Microphone Used: Blue Snowball ICE
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Рекомендации по теме

One more explanation for why modifying item in doOnNext() method didn't reflect in subscription, the reason is doOnNext accepts Consumer instance, and by definition, Consumer interface is : A functional interface (callback) that accepts a single value and doesn't emit anything, so doOnNext() is just observing the items being emitted and nothing else.


Learnt lot of basics from All in one video series . Thanks for such a amazing playlist😊 . Looking for more content on other Observables like Single, Maybe and Completable .


Hi, Could you make a video on onErrorResumeNext, and if I don't need to break the loop from observable and have to add exceptions in a list, how can I write the code. Thanks in advance
