Remote Viewing the Phobos II probe - loss event of 1989.

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Today I want to Introduce you to a remote viewng project which was run by a team of remote viewers: Jemma warner, John adams, John Dixon, and patric - the project manager for this project was Henni Hajdu.

I had a great zoom interview with this fantastic group of remote viewers and wanted to highlight the work. Its great to see another group of mixed RV method (CRV/TDS/TRV/ERV) remote viewers working together, and publishing full projects showing their Rv data.

The BLIND Target - from my online (Target monkey) pool was:
Phobos II satellite loss, March 27 1989'

Cue: Move to the optimum position/location and describe the event as it unfolds. Describe the event that led to the loss of the satellite.


Phobos ll arrived in January 1989 and entered an orbit around Mars as the first phase towards its real destination, a small Martian moon called Phobos.

The mission was flawless until the craft aligned itself with the moon.

On March 28, 1989 an elliptical object was detected moving towards the satellite seconds before it failed.

On March 31, 1989, headlines dispatched by the Moscow correspondents of the European News Agency (EFE) stated:

"Phobos 2 Captured Strange Photos of Mars Before Losing Contact With Its Base."

Soviet News magazine Vremya revealed yesterday that the space probe Phobos II, which was orbiting above Mars when Soviet scientists lost contact with it on Monday, had photographed an UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT on the Martian surface seconds before losing contact."

Scientists described the UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT as a thin ellipse 20 KILOMETERS LONG!

It was further stated that the photos could not be an illusion because it was captured by 2 different color cameras as well as cameras taking infrared shots.

One controller at the Kaliningrad control center concluded that the probe was now spinning out of control. It would seem that something struck or shot the Phobos II Probe.

**Daz recommended Remote Viewing links**
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Great target, awesome results. Congrats viewers for their project and Daz for an interview that brings such an interesting topic on the spotlight. Great team!💯


Great work everyone. Thank you all for sharing. That is very honorable.
Harmony from Hawthorne, Wisconsin.


I like when viewers briefly go thru their paper sessions and narrate them, and i am never thinking "god this video is so long when is it gonna end", quite the contrary actually.


Hi Das....much better when the subject matter is in the title ! Usually bypass the RV discussion vids
Could watch these all day...


good stuff people. Nice presentation on the phobos II and the drawings are worth 1000 words


I had Phobos II as a target as a beginning remote viewer long, long back. I saw the debris from the craft tumbling off a low cliff and coming to rest on a flat part of the Martian surface. That was before I was able to move around the target and go forward and backward in the timeline of an event.


Great interview session Daz. Impressive work by the viewers an manager. Most interesting are the comparisons to the corroborationg projects discussed (Marrs and Riordan). Specificly on the matter of habitants on Mars: I recently read Cosmic Voyage (1996), and Cosmic Explorer (1999) by Courtney Brown. @Daz Smith, I'd assume you've read them too. There is also additional information coming forth in severeal of the later projects by farsight. What are your thoughts on Courtney Browns/farsights findings on the matter?


I'm starting to think there might be a coverup going on.


What a waste of time. A general interview with almost nothing about Phobos 2. Alot of pointless rambling. No actual information about anything.


Too much talk than
Poorly presented
Saying anything haven’t heard before
Nothing profound.
Shed No light on the others.
me me me 👁️👁️👁️
Suggestion: Videotape the Results of Viewing each Target session or document on paper.
no viewsplaining,
apologising, only the perceptions as visualized.
Afterwards can discuss any explanations you may have or feel the need to express.
To be fair,
Each viewers session should be taped or written and presented as a collective at the same time,
that way stories cant be modified by hearing another viewers redults.
compared later to see any similarities or differences. Hearing another viewers results can affect the way each tells theirs. When they are put to paper or video, details cannot be varied after the fact.
And may help determine to each if they are developing skills as a Remote Viewer or Their mind is
Getting better at storytelling.
It makes sense that individuals who are more sensitive and in tune should be able to tap into the stream
like Edgar Cayce reportedly was able to do.
As a Group, Your
Presentation Needs a
Lot of improvement.


Where’s the evidence this works? I haven’t seen any at all.
