2001 EVOLUTION Alien Cells Explored | Just Straight Up Nuke It From Orbit

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As a meteorite touches down on Earth, it would break through the crust and enter a cavern system. once being found a few hours later, the surface would appear fuzzy. As a two professors began their tests on it, it would become apparent that this was a fast growing life, with the capability of overwhelming Earths population in a matter of weeks. But why exactly was it growing so fast? Well lets discuss that in todays episode!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Gaming and I hope you enjoy 2001 EVOLUTION Alien Cells Explored | Just Straight Up Nuke It From Orbit


Do Aliens respond to Bird calls? well I think this Ca-Caw will settle that argument: 00:00
Its Pretty cold in Nordic Lands, Odds are Evolution would be slower there: 1:59
Prepare for Giant foreheads in this one, it is what it is and thats because this movie actually is big brain energy: 3:18
I have one word for you - AMMONIA: 18:33
Thanks for watching guys! Have a good weekend!: 35:59
Рекомендации по теме

My mom thinks it’s weird that I love this movie but this was the last movie I saw with my uncle before he passed unexpectedly and it’ll always be special to me. Glad to see it covered on this channel, something I wasn’t expecting to see when I got up this morning


I unironically love that movie. The original finale was going to have a creature that was passed the human stage of evolution. The Director felt like it was not epic enough for a finale. also this movie was originally designed to be a serious sci-fi thriller. that is why the science is so well thought out. good movie. Enjoyed it.


Man, I was obsessed with this movie as a kid. I always found how they portrayed the evolution absolutely fascinating, and I guess it's one reason why I really enjoy learning about biology.


"You could hear about it all day and still not grasp how large an area it is"
In one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books they used forcing you to grasp how big the universe actually is as a form of capitol punishment.


My dad got to be an extra in this one! He was originally supposed to be one of the governor's secret service but Dan Aykroyd brought his own guys. He ended up being one of the sheriffs during the big monster climax instead cause he already did service and wasn't impressed with getting to hold a gun as a military extra.


I remember watching this as a kid. Since I knew my Dad was a chemical engineer I was always a bit curious about chemistry, and this movie sparked a keener interest in chemistry and how it related to biology. I loved this one a lot, and was surprised/happy to see you cover it!

Writing this comment actually made me think about a show that came out during my highschool years which really made me tempted to go into virology & infectious diseases. It was called "ReGenesis", a Canadian show that ran from 2004-2008! It's one you might enjoy.


Looking at the first stage of the cavern, those weird "fungi-like" things are pretty clear references to stromatolites, which makes sense, given that those are formed by cyanobacteria, the oldest known form of multicellular life.


This movie, Eight Legged Freaks, and Tremors were my go Monster movies when I was a kid. Awesome work as always.


What not many people know is that there was an animated series based off of this! It was called Alienators: Evolution Continues (or just Evolution: The Animated Series), and the main villain was called Scopes (as in the Scopes Monkey Trial).


I'm glad that for alot of other people this was our "childhood" movie. I loved this movie and watched it constantly. One of the things that made me fascinated with biology


Finaly! Evolution I waited for soooo long, thank you


This was actually pretty fun. I liked the alien organisms, and how they seemed to adapt to their environment.


This movie brings back memories, I remember having it on a VHS and the part with the monkey like humanoids scared the shit out of me as a kid lmao


this movie is such an underated gem, the cgi and costumes were amazing, the comedy was hilarious, the best sci-fi comedy i ever saw


I remember seeing this movie in like the 7th grade one day in biology and still think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen


I always wondered if any of the fragments that separated from the meteor survived the landing in another area without being noticed.


I remember seeing this movie when it came out, I was 8 or 9, and thinking "haha funny alien movie"

Fastforward 20 years and I'm showing this film to my spouse, going back into it with the same mentality. Afterward, we discuss the comedy and the science of the movie. Ah, age and knowledge allowing me to enjoy a film in multiple ways after two decades.


God, this was like my favorite movie growing up. My mum loved it, so we watched it all the time, and I always loved all the cool creatures we got to see despite my little child brain not fully understanding what was happening.
I still say "kaka kaka, tookie tookie" to this day.
Kinda forgot about this movie after a while, but I'm so glad to see it get some much deserved love again!


12:00 - in the movie Sean William Scott's character says they chased the animal into a sandbar on the golf course and it choked out there while in our atmosphere, you can see it's an amphibious creature as well in the scene so he didn't't need to get it from the water :)


A surprisingly well thought out movie. Thank you for the breakdown and explaining how it’s evolutionary track can take place being nitrogen based. That kind of threw me for a loop considering our nitrogen is inert. Hell of a video!
