Pompeii: The City Frozen in Time by Vesuvius. #history

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Contrary to popular belief, the people of Pompeii were never actually stones. The bodies that had been buried for years had decomposed and were covered with ashes. But none of the organs inside them were still in place. In other words, the bodies were completely empty on the inside and covered with ashes on the outside. In 1863, an Italian archaeologist came up with an idea to recover the bodies in one piece. According to the archaeologist, it made sense to fill the hollow bodies with plaster. And so they did. Thanks to the plaster filled into the cavities, the bodies began to come out in one piece and were exhibited in Pompeii for years.
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Pompeii: The City Frozen in Time by Vesuvius #pompeii #mountvesuvius #ancienthistory #romanempire
Pompeii: The City Frozen in Time by Vesuvius. #history
Pompeii The Ancient City Frozen in Time