F-16 Arrive in Ukraine - Will They Win the War?

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🇺🇦 The F-16 Fighting Falcon: Ukraine's Game Changer? ✈️

Air superiority is a decisive factor in modern warfare, and Ukraine is on the verge of shifting the balance with the imminent arrival of F-16 fighter jets. In this video, we dive deep into why Ukraine desperately needs these advanced aircraft and how they can potentially turn the tide in the ongoing conflict with Russia. 🌍

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The fact that the Swedes have donated 2 AWACS-type aircraft should help Ukraine IMMENSELY. They should allow Ukraine's F-16s MUCH greater radar coverage - and multiply their effectiveness.


People complaining about Ukraine not flying the F-16s yet. The F-16 is not a CAR!! These guys aren’t going to magically learn to fly a foreign aircraft and use it in real war combat under a year


The F-16 is flown with a side stick. It’s not like aircraft that Ukraine is used to flying. In the MiG-29 the stick is between your legs where it is on most planes. Not so in the F16. The stick is by your right hand. And gone are all the analog gages form the MiG 29. There are a couple gages in the F-16 that have analog backups but only like 2-3. Most of
Your info is on digital
Screens. Plus in the F-16 you are sitting at a 30 degree incline to make the rive more comfortable. Pilots of the F-16 frequently say that they don’t feel
Like they are sitting inside an airplane but feel like the airplane
Is wrapped around them. The F-16 can pull
9g maneuvers all day long too. The MiG 29
Would fly apart if it was subjected to constant 9g forces. The F-16 when it came
Out was a o e of a kind revolutionary type of plane. It is fly by wire. Meaning when you pull on the controls there are no belts and caables actually attached to the control surfaces. Those are completly gone. When you move the stick a computer interprets that and tells the control surface how to move. Everything about the F16 was state of the art at the time and honestly it’s still a bad ass plane. Why else do you think it is still in production to this day. They are still building them in Georgia as we speak.


Getting these jets doesn't guarantee air superiority, but lets be honest, it increases Ukraine's chance of winning. God bless from Australia.


Not only do they have to take time to train pilots to use F16s effectively and efficiently, which is a lot as it is, they also have to train the maintenance crews on how to repair literally everything on the jet: from weapons systems, the avionics, the engine itself, etc. and not to mention there’s a LOT for each of those. Not to mention they have to fix battle damage and learn how to load bombs properly as well as get the right aerospace ground equipment (AGE) for the jets, obtain the previous maintenance records for each jet AND learn how to properly document the maintenance that will take place once Ukraine is ready to deploy the 16s to the battlefield. It’s not an overnight thing and ALL parties involved have to be trained to handle the 16 properly. Lastly, it’s an American aircraft, it was manufactured completely differently than the Soviet aircraft that Ukraine had. It’s like training a Toyota mechanic to be a Bugatti mechanic: it can happen and a lot of the concepts are similar but the engineering in a Bugatti is a lot different compared to a Toyota


People really should just ignore the Nuclear Part of the F-16 Falcon's ordnance. These are NOT the versions used by the USAF. Which only operates a VERY small number of Nuclear-capable F-16s to begin with! These are EUROPEAN operated F-16s that NEVER had the necessary equipment installed to even carry Nuclear Weapons, let alone to be able to arm and drop them.

And on that subject, with the right equipment, a Su-27 and MiG-29 CAN ALSO be made Nuclear-capable. It all comes down to equipment. And just to point out an oft overlooked fact, the United States Air Force actually AIR-LAUNCHED A MINUTEMAN NUCLEAR BALLISTIC MISSILE FROM THE BACK OF A C-5A GALAXY TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT!

Sorry for the big letters, but I wanted people to see the point. And mind you, the USAF hasn't operated a C-5A in 40 years. That should tell you how long ago we did that. Seriously, people of the world don't believe a thing the USA is capable of, until we have to slam it into their faces. Really now. And you wonder why we can be so damn smug at times? It's because you're too damn arrogant until we prove you wrong.

And just to note, it is RUSSIA that keeps bringing up the F-16's Nuclear capability and that it is an American Fighter. Yes. But last I checked, Sukhoi and MiG are RUSSIAN Companies with Ukraine using RUSSIAN Fighters. Now these F-16s are coming from Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands. NONE OF WHO HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND THEREFORE DO NOT HAVE THE EQUIPMENT TO MOUNT AND OPERATE NUCLEAR BOMBS!

Again, just pointing out for those who are obsessing over the F-16's LIMITED Nuclear-capability. You want real fear, there's talk of making Nuclear Warheads for Rapid Dragon. Those Cruise Missiles delivered by Pallet from C-130 Hercules with no special equipment required. Yeah. Panic if you see Rapid Dragon coming.

That said, the Missiles haven't been modified yet. Security and Safety concerns after all. But that doesn't change the fact that the F-16 also uses the HARM Missile in all THREE of its modes, which the modified mounts on Ukrainian Soviet Legacy Aircraft CANNOT do. So, for Russia, that's a big Oh Shit moment.

Oh and rumors are going around that F-15 Eagle might be heading to Ukraine as well. Older USAF F-15C Eagles. And Russia better remember, that right now, F-15 is 104 and 0 and took out a Satellite for show in the 1980s.


My guess as to why we haven't seen F-16s yet: probably waiting for more patriot batteries & AA assets to get delivered to better secure flight facilities without leaving Ukrainian cities further exposed.


As a child in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I had a plastic model of the fighting Falcon the F16. I read articles about this fascinating aircraft, and it was considered the Porsche of combat jet fighting. After all these years and now at age 60, I am impressed that American engineering has proven itself to be the best when greed and avarice doesn't play or stand in the way of a perfect invention that has stood the test of time. It's not the best of the best but has adapted well and it was suppose to have been retired years ago but it still shows that it has a place in the world of fighting evil and avarice today. Let's Go F16 and the Brave pilots who fly them into victory!!!


The "delay" is nothing but the monumental task of getting logistics and training up to par for a sustainable new modern weapons platform.


F-16 training is not about a few pilots learning to fly a jet - it's about an entire air force learning, adopting & implementing an entirely new doctrine. It involves everything from the planes, the pilots, weapons, pods, parts, ground crews, airfields, storage sites, supplies, fuel, tactics, procedures, mission planning, approach & execution, and far, far more, far, far beyond both our knowledge & purview. This is, at a minimum, a 5 year process when done at rushed pace *IN PEACETIME!!!* Doing all of this in less than 2 years in the middle of the largest, most intense & destructive conventional war the world has seen in decades is nothing short of miraculous. So, for all of us looking in from the outside, maybe we oughta keep what we think to ourselves and let these professionals pulling off real-life Herculean tasks do their jobs.


It's interesting that despite their advanced position, Russia failed to achieve full air superiority.
With the arrival of F16s and the continued destruction of Russian air defence systems it's going to get very interesting


The planes are fine and dandy but Ukraine doesn't have enough pilots to fly all the fighter aircraft that have been promised so far. They have 30-33 pilots ready to retrain on the wests fighters and already about 90 fighters promised and that number is growing. We need some volunteer fighter pilots to come forward.


"Walk softly, and carry a really big stick"

The stick being a couple hundred F16s in this case. lol


As a veteran of the American wars, I can say that your understanding of our equipment will decide how well you succeed


The F-16 will likely be extremely effective at striking air defenses using HARM missiles.

The F-16s can also be maintained and repaired outside Ukraine. Keeping the mechanics safe in Denmark dramatically improves the expected lifespan of the fleet.


Hmmm. You are saying it is difficult for Ukrainian pilots to transfer their current skills set, which includes actual combat on the F16 platform and yet the pilots are saying it does not. In reality, given how long this war has been going on, its clear we in the west have been dragging our feet, maybe for our own security reasons.


There has actually been Ukrainian pilots trained on JAS 39 but it is as he say a logistical issue.
We Swedes have tested the Meteor missile on the F-16 and we have also provided a couple Erieye planes to the upcoming war effort.


The F16 is not magic but it will help.


Ukrainian pilots have been training in Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona for a wile now. One of the things that we never read in the news.


Here’s the problem, they’re releasing 1-6 jets each time and the delivery batches are coming only once every few months. U actually need mass in numbers to make a difference. If Russia has 6 Su35s deployed to fight 2 F16s, it isn’t really fair
