New to the Oilfield How Can You Earn $4000+ a Week

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New to oilfield trucking, learn how to make $4000 a week driving semi trucks in the oilfield. It’s actually very easy to make 6 figures driving a truck in the oilfield. If your will to work hard and long hours the oilfield can change your way of life.

On my channel I strive to bring full transparency to the trucking industry. I will always tell it how it is. Remember always leave a comment I respond to every single comment on my channel!
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12 years of hauling crude oil. 6 figures a year easy. Easy work, just a lot of hours. Home every day, 5/2 5/3 schedule.


cool vid and good explanations. Found it funny that you used to work at 9, as that is where I’m currently working. Keep posting and stay safe on those roads.


I just wanna thank you for making this video I been watching everybody they keep saying nonsense thanks for actually naming companies!


12-15 hrs in a desert with 0 signs telling which way to the rig or to load frac sand. Home each night is living in the truck, shower 3 times a week, sitting in line for 8 hrs to unload, 0 cell service. Lucky to make 800 wk.


Just got hired on with one of them and you are spot on!


Just last week at a rig put in 75 hrs in 4 days straight as a Vaccum tanker truck driver, made two loads and a washout at the end of shift and slept for 3 days on site 😉


Currently a cdl field operator cementing. Im netting less than i did as a flowback


I spent 10 years pulling a Vac trailer in ND and did about every service type work that there was. it was very interesting and at times challenging ..loading water from the gas compressor stations was a bit scary .... money was obscene during the boom..if it was easy...everyone would do it !!


Yo brother, thank you for your service. I’m 2 weeks into my truck driving training on Ft. Bliss. I’ll be heading out your way into the oil fields when I get done. Maybe I’ll see you in EP or the oil fields. Great videos.


You are a knowledgeable young man. . That's awesome,


im a CDL A Holder, I've been hired by propetro, cant wait to start the new journey. thanks a lot for all these informations buddy.


A friend of mine is a safety officer in the ND oil fields is pushing me hard to go out there especially recently. I have the ability to almost go anywhere since I have an RV, but the question is where?


Very informative! Do the companies listed (Haliburton, Schlumberger, Liberty & Pro Petro) also service rigs like you water and oil from producing wells? Or do they only work on creating new wells?

Also, your thumbnail game is on point!


You have a good knowledge thank you for the information I am a frac operator thinking to switch to cementing


I ran water up in ND during the boom and after a few days I seen what, when, and how to move around the oilfields . I was averaging take home between $3-4000 weekly and had a couple atad over $6000 weeks and with that I would get a mentioning too not be doing that to often. The last 2 weeks working there I was driving around in a truck pulling a vac trailer "without a pump" making the same money hauling sail boat fuel from pits to disposals . Lol, what I wouldn't give to make a series for TV on how we ran and the things that took place during the days and nights up there! Lol it was a continuous neverending one had to be there to believe it party!


I haul methanol to well sites for $33 an hour in Alberta, Canada and Im home every night and don't have to work weekends but can for extra cash. I make 4k without working weekends


I just came across your channel and got hooked with the great information you dished out. I am eager to get a job in Canada’s oil & gas industry. Please let me know what is the minimum qualification required, what tickets do I need to get. Please assist


I used to work for mesquite too in Carlsbad New Mexico


It's not that I doubt these guys when they are talking about how much money you can make but a lot of the time they use the most extreme cases for the most money that can be made and really never speak to with the average person will be making which is usually the lowest amount you can make..


There's been some guys that I know in my area that have done work up there. Of course most of them are fresh out of high school and have no degrees.. and that was five or six years ago. Now it seems like you have to have 20 college degrees in be a professor to work up there.. I don't have a CDL I'm not against getting a CDL or certifications. The problem is I don't have high school diploma. And the local college that has a CDL course requires everyone to have a high school diploma to take their course and then pay them $12, 000.. the other option is buy your own rig and go to the DMV and take a test. Both of those options are out of my price range.. I have lots and lots of experience and many different fields but no degrees 43 years old and I never thought I would need one. Growing up I I thought a high school diploma and multiple college degrees for just to prove to the world that you know a thing or two and you have braging rights.. which I'm not a pompous ass what's an inflated ego.. like that half the population United States.. so why the hell would an education or a certificate matter.. I'm in the world's full of ass wipe why do I need a piece of paper hanging on my wall saying I'm a trained monkey.. sorry I ramble.. I live in a city of a little over a hundred thousand people and I might talk to three people per week. But that's only because I went to a store and I had to talk to the checkout person. Not married no kids. Just trying to find ways to occupy my life until I die. Isn't that the point of life? Find something entertaining to do until your time to go the way of the dinosaurs. I get some people's aspects of having a family gives you something to work for and provide for. But to me having something like that always hold you back. From your full potential. Because there's some risks that you can take. And some of the jobs that I've done where there's a very good chance you're not going to walk away from it. And leading a family behind to go okay now what do we do. It just seems kind of cruel. So My philosophy is don't have a family don't have friends leave nothing and no one behind. When it's your time to go. Whenever that might be. As a part-time electrician I've dealt with high voltage that could easily vaporize a person faster than you can snap your fingers.. whether I'm welding above water or below it that has its own sets of hazards. Operating heavy equipment and skyscraper cranes. I've known a few people in my life that have been crushed. Are operating a crane 30 stories of above 80 storey building. I have survived drowning, electrocution, being burned, being blown up, falling off of a four-story building, heat exhaustion, the bends, basically suffocation. I was in our environment that had a probably 95% nitrogen atmosphere. No breathable air. I worked a place to pressure treats wood. 10 railroad cars at a time. Somebody hit the button to close the doors and nitrogen is used to purge the oxygen out of the air inside the very large tube.. you could say I have nine lives like a cat only problem is I think I've used about 30 of them. Somehow I'm still here. I'm cursed.. and I would love to work in the oil field. So maybe I can freeze to wait I already tried that I grew up in ironwood and Marquette Michigan. And go swimming in lake Superior all year-round.. okay you have the background information so what I'm looking for as a job is either. On a basic level front end loader a road grader. Maintenance, electrician, welding.. hydro fluid pump mechanic. Basically when a pump explodes I have to rebuild it. I work maintenance shops most of my life on farms on big diesel mechanic shops and salvage yards. For really big 2500 room hotels and yeah we don't just walk around and change light bulbs there's a lot of things that you have to fix plumbing electrical walls structural. I've heard the food at some of the camps is to be desired but you can eat it.. I'm not sure I understand what that means.. I eat skunk once. It was for my survival training in upper Michigan it had been on the road for probably a week. I don't know how many times it was run over. It was cold so I didn't spoil. The annoying thing is the bones were all crushed into the meat.. so is the food up there more tolerable than that. If so I think I Will survive.
