Tantric Conscious Sexuality

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Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for Kundalini to rise and supports those living life with an active Kundalini. Through body de-armouring, non-dual psychology, shadow work, and tantric and energetic practices we move through and create our own of process kundalini activation.

- Study online or in person
- Find a supportive community to practice with
- Train to be a practitioner


Kundalini Bodywork is a self-development journey that takes us from depression and traumatic states into high vibrational and orgasmic ones. The start of your journey might be more about emotional release and detoxing, healing past childhood and family trauma, but by the end a Kundalini Bodywork practice leads to a Tantric Practice, the practices of manifesting the life we desire and deserve, and the practices that support working with the collective consciousness as our own consciousness, so our outside world truly reflects our inside.

Kundalini Bodywork is not Kundalini Yoga but definitely complimentary to any yoga practice. Like Kundalini Yoga there are different styles, teachers and teachings with no one person being able to own such descriptive words.

Kundalini Bodywork is a practice, discipline and self-healing modality with freedom in how it is applied:

– which parts of the modality to use
– when to use them
– and when to combine them with other self-development practices and modalities

In the therapists of energetic bodywork we train people to be the best therapists that they can be through accessing non-dual states of awareness that develop their ego in healthy ways. In giving this work we still have an ego, personality and a soul vibration, so each therapist is unique. When training in Kundalini Bodywork, or when working with a therapist we are supported to access this non-dual state of awareness in-order to be the best version of ourself. We understand the body as our own personal mystery school and are encourage to explore it and learn from it.

When you work as a therapist in Kundalini Bodywork, or hire one, the role is to support others in self-healing instead of healing others. Kundalini Bodywork teaches us to live Tantrically, knowing that we are all one, not separate, while developing the power to shape the illusion of separation.

Non-dual awareness comes with the responsibility of caring for the dualistic experience that it contains.

About Elliott Saxby: Through learning to forgive with an open heart while maintaining a strong sense of free will and integrity, my Kundalini became active, and now stays mostly open. I feel blessed and privileged to share this experience with others who are open to it, in a helpful and transformative way.

I’m happy to have been sharing this work since 2017 and seeing it grow into an active community of practitioners around the world.

As as well creating the online course, teaching the advanced trainings, and working with clients privately, I also wrote the book, “Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work” in 2019, as a practical application of non-dual psychology and how a Kundalini rising can be reflected in the mind as a healthy integration of opposing thoughts and emotions in-order to prevent psychosis, heal a broken heart, and simply have a better relationship with ourselves and others. The book has since been bought by a bigger company and republished as “The Inner Marriage” and is being translated into various languages.

I find the mental understanding conveyed in the book to be an essential component of this work, which I hope to see move into areas such as mental health and rehabilitation programs where forgiveness and self-understanding are key and central for true healing.

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The purpose of kundali awakening is that body must receive the natural when it happens 24 hours non the human behavior turns into that can be feel by Best wishes


You can achieve such ecstatic feelings with self hypnosis....I tried it and my whole body was moving just like her body...


Something similar things happen to me during yoga meditation. Feels like inner orgasms and energy moves upward and it is continue to increasing with daily practices.


Hey could you discribe the energy flow up to an orgasm? Where should yin and yang meet, how should it move etc.? I feel the energy in my body but I dont know how to work with it to reach climax.


Is there a link for the background music ? Thanks


Can I take myself into that stage without second person who moving energy around? I'm new in this type of practice but yoga meditation and chakra meditation is very familiar for me.


How is this different from Vasikaran...?Why not work with more male energies as well. Why the opposite sex.
If you can do this upclose....can you manipulate energies from afar? Is dabbing into tantra/kundalini bodywork healthy and ethical? It gives me the feeling that If I can be manipulated for pleasure, then I can be manipulated for pain as well...
How do you know a teacher is good. A teacher can turn at any point?


While I see the wonderful experiences girls having in your videos, I wonder if a man can also have these experiences, I will love to join you ❤️


I know how to move energy but idk how reach this state of orgasm please help me


i easily could feel rising of energy. but here i have got a question. you hypnotize them during sessions? even in your other videos i saw that people was telling something. not sensitive people is really hard to feel this rising of energy


Amigos tudo bem ??

Gostaria de aprender sou aqui do Brasil, poderiam me indicar algum lugar para aprender a fazer essa massagem


Sometime I am feel like that my legs and my full body ups and downs like that and it's very beautiful feeling but also unsatisfied then how to satisfy my self and my body and my mind too ... .


Wouldn’t that result in muscle tension and knots? Looks like she might need a massage therapist afterwards to aide in recovery….


Am I the only one that think this looks like "interpretive dance"?


I am at night feel romantic now adays after manopuse
