The UK Mess Just Got Worse

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The UK is in crisis. But this isn’t a story about the queen’s death. This is about how millions of Brits may have to choose between starving and keeping warm this winter. Energy prices are going to be double what they were last year, prices in the shops are rising fast and wages are the same as they were 14 years ago.

On top of that, Brits are facing a winter of shortages and strikes. Oh, and there are fears the UK itself could eventually break up. Even the food banks are running out of food. So why do things seem to keep getting worse in Britain?

00:00 - The real crisis Brits are worried about
00:15 - Why are energy prices out of control? (Hint: capitalism)
03:15 - The queen’s death highlights so many problems
06:24 - Why doesn’t the government have any solutions to the crisis?

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The problem is companies run the goverments.


Companies and governments really like to use the term “the people” when they mean “wealthy shareholders”


My fellow Indians who are in support of privatization should learn something from this. Privatization isn't always the answer. Private companies hardly care about the general public. They only want profit at the cost of everyone.


Meanwhile energy companies report record profits. What is the point of a price cap if you increase it by insane amounts every couple of months?


As a Brit, this makes me incredibly worried 😟 it's pretty bad here


There is No Shortage of 'Wealth' in this World just a Shortage of Love for its People.


Imagine if the new King paid his inheritance tax. Imagine all the money that could help all these folks.


We've had 12 years of Tory rule. From austerity to brexit, they have the country worse with each passing year. They have nothing good to offer but what's scary is how much more damage they can do before the next general election


Man this is just sad. This is happening in America too man. We need better leaders across the world


Yet they flooded the streets in the hundreds of thousands to mourn for a woman who hasn't had to worry about a thing her entire life. Make it make sense.


The British East India Company seized Bengal in 1757 by force. Then the British forced the peasantry to handover their produce and engineered a famine in 1770 that killed a third of the population. Following that, there were 24 famines between 1850-1899 in different parts of the country, where tens of millions of people killed. From 1765 to 1938, Britain extracted 45 trillion pound sterling from India, which was effectively the down payment for the Industrial Revolution. In 1700, India had 25% of the world’s GDP. By 1950, they had only 4%. In 1943, during the WW II, Winston Churchill diverted food from Bengal to Britain, resulted in 3 million Indians deaths. When India got independent from the British, the literacy rate was just 14%.

From the late 17th century to the 18th century, Britain smuggled opium into China to dope the population, a strategy to turn around a huge trade deficit, after the British could not find enough silver to pay the Qing government in their tea and porcelain trades. After opium was destroyed in salt water and ports were closed by the Chinese in ordered to curb opium, the British started the Opium War I, which China lost. Hong Kong was forced to be surrendered to the British.

After 12 years, the British got really greedy. They demanded the Qing government: 1) To open the borders of China to allow goods coming in and out freely and tax free. 2) Make opium legal in China. After being rejected, the British and French, with support by the USA, started Opium War II with China, which again, China lost. The Anglo-French military raided the Summer Palace, an estimated 150, 000 pieces of historic treasures with a 1900-year span from the first Qin Dynasty up to the Qing Dynasty were raided and many ended up in the British Museum in London.

After the Summer Palace was burned down in 3 days, the Anglo-French military then threatened to burn the Imperial Palace. The Qing government was forced to pay with free trade ports, 300, 000 kilograms of silver and the Kowloon district north of Hong Kong Island was taken. Since then, China’s resources flew out freely from the free trade ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaties, Chinese people were sold overseas to serve as labor, famously known as “piglet labor”.

Britain, a tiny country, had turned the two biggest economies in the world into poverty stricken slumps. China and India co-existed for 4000 years without problems. Buddhism originated in India and widely adopted in China. China sent Buddhist monks to India to learn Buddhism from India. When the British were preparing for India’s independence, an ambiguity was left behind at the border between China and India, and since then, it became the point of conflicts between China and India, including a war at the border in 1962. Divide and rule, is their tactic used over and over again.

The British colonized my country Malaysia in 1786. During WW II, when the Japanese came to Malaya, the British fled the country, and the Malayan Communists were left behind to fight a gorilla warfare with the Japanese in the jungles. After the Japanese surrendered, the Malayan Communist fighters went back to towns. Then the British came back, surrounded the towns and mass murdered them.

Before handed back to China, Hong Kong was ruled under an iron fist, but when Hong Kong was returned to China, the UK pushed for democracy in Hong Kong.

There are many reasons for the empire’s successes. But one thing stands out: hypocrisy.
-Zeis Siez


The queen saw this coming and just gave up


The royals will never know what it's like to make such a choice. How sad we as a people fund the rich to live while we suffer...


The government has to take over the energy companies if it is only going to cost £4BN. Instead of Liz giving them £170BN


I could have sworn there were certain groups in the UK predicting that economic catastrophe would follow brexit. But now there's no one to take political advantage of that prophecy?


These are not "bad Government decisions". These are deliberate Social Policies.


It's gonna get worse this is going go on for years


I am secretly convinced that the queen talked for 5 minutes with Liz Truss on the day of the latter’s appointment, foamed at the mouth, fainted dead away, and proceeded to die of “old age”.


This is a turning point for Britain it won't be called the United Kingdom anymore as N Ireland will soon join Ireland Scotland will soon be Independent, so Wales and England will have to be called rUK (rest of the UK) or little Britain.


They had closed the food banks during the 10 days of mourning
