Episode #19 Elvis Presley and June Juanico White Kitchen Hwy 90 Louisiana The Spa Guy

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This is Episode #19 Elvis Presley and June Juanico White Kitchen Hwy 90 Louisiana
In this video The Spa Guy and Trey Miller take you on a Journey through the history of Elvis Presley and June Juanico.. This will start in Biloxi Mississippi and end up in New Orleans Louisiana... I do not know how many episodes it will be but the story will be told in many.. Make sure that Subscribe for more stuff that you can't get anywhere else but here..
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I`m sure this trip/tour was one of the happiest tour moments the Presley family had for the 50s. Elvis career was started to be hot and bright !


Elvis said: That's alright mama, i'm gonna get you a house, its just money honey. So, Don't cry daddy.


Down in Louisiana where the alligators grow so mean, lived a girl and I swear to the world made the alligator look tame 🎵🎵🎵 Another great video Spa Guy ❤️


It's fun watching you trying to find places in the past. Elvis would be amazed 43 years later people are still obsessed.


Shame the restaurant has gone. At least you found the spot . Good work 👍Spaguy Trey 🙏🙏


I think we can see why Elvis, Gladys and Vernon chose Graceland now. You are a brave man Billy, there is no way I would have waded through all that brush and undergrowth! Although I wish you could have found the sign, I'm sure someone walked off with it long ago. But I am surprised that you found what you did on pieces of the electric, would have thought that the ground would have eaten that up. Not just laying on top of the ground like that this many years later. Love that the tile was still there, how cool this video is. I love when you take us back in time to these places that Elvis and family went. So much history to record and I'm glad you three are researching and recording it!


Watching for the 2nd time. June and Elvis is a nice story of young love. Gladys sure looks happy on this pic. Thanks Spa Guy!


“When I get back to Memphis 👶 baby”by golly Billy you have that voice down pat, always like it when you do the voice of Elvis....Gladys got her wish! Stay out of that long grass, you’re making me nervous, there was an alligator waiting for you 🦎 they probably served him up at the “. White kitchen “🍔🌭🥓☕️


It's a real comfort to find you guys on a friday night, stayin home hanging out with you both, God Bless keep em coming.


I live close to the old white kitchen. We had a white kitchen in the old part of town in Slidell Louisiana.


Great video Billy and Trey 👍🏽reliving the time they were all there Thankyou 🤔💞😍


My brother owned the gas station at one time. The white kitchen had already closed down. That was in the 1980.


June was the only woman Elvis ever dated that Mrs. Presley ever approved of. I loved how she called her "Lovie". ❤️ It broke my heart when June left him and he had a big surprise for her. It was Graceland. 😢😭


We always called that park "roadside park". That's my stomping grounds around there. I never knew Elvis went to the white kitchen. Thanks for all your videos I enjoy all of them so much! 👍👍


We lived on the coast and I remember all the antebellum homes, motels and restaurants along Highway 90. Camille took most of it.


My aunt lived in Biloxi and I remember my mom and dad driving Me down that highway when I was five years Old in 1965. I remember in 1969 when hurricane Camille blew through and everyone of my aunts apartment building had died but my aunt survived by driving up to Laurel to my uncles house.


Those little pink tiles . Elvis may have trod on. Thanks Billy


We had a summer home on the coast and stopped at the White Kitchen many times. The I-10 into Mississippi was not finished until the early 70's so US 90 right past the White Kitchen was the only way to the coast. Jayne Mansfield also stopped here on that fateful night in 1967 and just minutes later was killed in an auto accident as she made her way from Biloxi to New Orleans.


Oh how cool was this! I too would have had to grab a piece of tile😀 oh if tile could talk😂💜


Back in my hood again Spa Guy! ! Bay St Louis is my home. Yes Camille destroyed the Pass and then Katrina finished them off. I love living in South Mississippi however not right now LOL! Although I was only 7 when Elvis went to Heaven it would have been amazing if Elvis had owned a home down here!
